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 Jul 2017 Leila Moore
Its been a while,
since i finally accepted
the end.
But my heart still aches,
everytime i think
of how we ended.

And if i could go back,
I wish i could tell you:
I stayed for so long not ,
not because i was weak.
But because i believed
in the good person in you.

I left, not because you
stopped wanting me,
but because i no longer
loved myself by loving you.
"You're a goofball" she muttered
"And you're a typo queen" I smirked at her
"But you're my goofball" she smirked back
"Forever and always like you are my queen"
Yet now I'm reminiscing and a total wreck..
Base on a true story :(
 Mar 2017 Leila Moore
There's an old grave yard up on the hill near by
I like to go there and sit and look at the tombstones that are so old you can't see the names on them
Because I'm morbid I guess, I feel at home there
Today I went there
I took some of my little resin fairy folk and gnomes
I've been strangely obsessed with those little resin, fake people as of late
I made them a village
With their very own cemetery and fake dead things
The fairy princess is a **
Promiscuous princess is knocked up and doesn't know who the baby daddy is
The ****** gnomes pass her around like a water **** at a party
The fairy Prince is gay
I put them in a paper bag with my whiskey and went to hang with the dead for awhile
I played pretend with them for awhile, the dead and the little people
Then I drank till I started to remember how my life *****
And how alone I really am
I burried my face in my skirt
And cried
Sigh. Yep folks, it's not very poetic, but it's today.
Mommy and Daddy tell me please
How and when did you lose your happiness?
Don't you remember back when you loved and kissed?
Tell me it wasn't a curse
One that tore the love away
Please stop fighting and fall in love once again
for now. forever. for the rest of your days..
somehow I know too many people with broken homes..
 Mar 2017 Leila Moore
He said I'm his muse
God knows he's mine
I drown in his words
His music, consumes my time
He said,"Cmere"
My only wish
For him, to be near
To feel his kiss
I think he's, well, all
Golden hair, music,
And ahhh, I fall
If I land on concrete,
Then, So be it
The fall,
Well, Was scenic....
Love is beautifully grand
this is absolutely true.
But I wouldn't sincerely know
if I were with anyone but you.
 Mar 2017 Leila Moore
He doesn't have to be
A poetry person
To be my person
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