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May 2015 · 554
25 Days
Can the people around me

smell my f l e s h


Are they afraid

of the d e a t h

(behind my eyes?)

I have been this way

for a long



but I will smile

as my lungs **c  o l  l a p s e
Mar 2015 · 728
one cigarette
then two
(or four)

every drag brings

another image
(of your face)

(crooked teeth smile)

(rough stubble brushes blushing cheeks)

Your eyes are rich soil
(nourishing copper rings)
tell me about the thoughts
(who keep their roots there)


(kisses like familiar embraces)
(no danger in soft hands)
Mar 2015 · 459
I’ve had a chill in my bones
since the day I learned
how fragile a heart is

and I am

because the ice
that protects me is thawing
and the lake is deep.
What if we drown
trying to skate over it?
She grows her hair out
in hopes that it will anchor her

(to the earth)

earth that she so desperately
wishes to become part of
She stretches her arms to a sky

(sky she will never touch)

She watches clocks


and she watches lives end
before they ever began
She will dig herself into fertile soil
to become beautiful
as the flowers that grow there
Dec 2014 · 473
The spring air is sweet

bare feet touch concrete

and a breeze tickles

spring-loaded curls.

The newly painted porch swing 

is urged faster as I urge

another story,
anything you can bring

to memory.

We watch the sun
set fire to the sky

violent reds and deep purples

warn of the imminent twilight.

We rock gently

and Mother moon makes her way

into star dotted sea,

suspended above us

breeze turns to chill

settled in my bones.

I retreat to your arms 

my lips tremble confessions

but you sooth my tears with your own.

“All is forgiven, we’ll start again.”

Now I chip peeling pain
and watch angry storm clouds sail

like ships on the black sea

to smother Mother moon

those words ring clear as I tend wounds

inflicted by you.

As I try to forgive,

I wonder if you’ll remember

so you can forget.

do not smile at strangers
do not smile at strangers
**** the difference
we are not safe
when the strangers are here
what if they take
our jobs
our homes
our children
give me your tired
so I can work them harder
give me your poor
so i can make them poorer
give me your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
so I can choke the sparks from their eyes
do not smile at strangers
do not smile at the others
**** the different
our way of life is not safe
when the others are here
what if they take
our money
our power
our class
give me your fear
so i can give you violence
give me your grief
so i can give you my silence
give me your allegiance
so i can give you liberty and justice for some
Dec 2014 · 627
mistakes made in your eyes
I made a terrible mistake.

When I noticed
the different ways you smile,
or the times your voice softens when you speak.

I was a lost cause after that.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Open letter to my parents
Memories make you uncomfortable
but they wrap themselves around me
So when I tell you stories
about Sunday mornings or Christmas trees
Please listen
to the tears I hold back

And I know it isn’t healthy to look back
Like a sweater you outgrew making you uncomfortable
But please listen
To the words tumbling from me
Like leaves falling from dying trees
Because all I have left are stories

And I scream them from skyline stories

I cannot hold them back
They take root in my brain like great trees
The branches spring from my throat uncomfortable
I must remove them from me
Please just listen

Because I’ve been distanced so just listen
These aren’t the stories
I wanted to weigh on me

But I’m back 
to being uncomfortable

in my own skin. Scratching like bark from trees

Do you remember the front yard? Decorated by trees
They sing in the wind if you listen
The sound would make me uncomfortable
Because of all the old stories
Of skeletons hung back
But you lit candles and wrapped rainbows around me

So forgive me
If I cry for skinned knees from falling down trees
that healed awhile back
And you don’t have to listen

If these stories

make you uncomfortable.

I’m uncomfortable

with the stories

being rewritten. So you don’t have to listen
Dec 2014 · 529
re: loneliness
i’m okay when i’m around people
or i’m chain smoking

i can leave my mind hazy


everybody leaves
and i run out of cigarettes
Dec 2014 · 764
I am a burden.
I am a burden’s burden.
I am baggage
airlines can’t even lose.

I am destruction.
every person who has ever said they love me-
regrets it.
I am a fire
and I

I am child-
no longer

I am damage
that cannot be undone

I am apologies
but I am not
Dec 2014 · 342
1.10.14 3:49 AM
i could draw each line on your skin from memory

but as i breathe in your scent

i know that’s all we’ve become

my heartbeats out morris code for goodbye

and i try to escape into your arms

but time isn’t something from which you get to hide
Dec 2014 · 5.3k
Forgotten Graveyard
Broken headstones speckle
the even sea
of your grassy hill

Panorama of your crest
hugged by blue sky

Among the memorials
long since uninhabited
the residents
returned to the earth

My thoughts are seeds
and your soil is fertile
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
1.10.14 4:27AM
We didn’t make it this time, but maybe we could.

Another time, another place.

Maybe another life.

I know we’ll have that coffee in Paris, with champagne on the Eiffel Tower.


I know we will.

Soul mates find each other in the end.

— The End —