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it was pointless to love
like the captain of a drowning vessel
still turning hard to starboard
as he stared into the deep, blue night
and charted a new course home
I know that he's probably sleeping,
but the space beside me just confirms,
it's not next to me.

I extend my arm,
squinting my eyes in the dark,
reaching to the shadows.

Softly I whisper his name,
it just echo's,
settling into silence.

Wrapping covers tightly,
I think of his arms,
always wanting them around me.

I know as I begin to drift,
he's my last thought before I sleep,
I can only hope I'm his..
I miss him so much it echo's through me,
vibrations taking over because,
Some days I'm blinded with longing.

The tingling in my fingertips,
just a reminder that his hands,
are missing from mine.

He had this way of making me laugh,
that shook me,
filling me with bursts of goodness.

Eyes so knowing,
they saw right through me,
leaving me bare and comfortable.

I look at the aftermath,
it could have been love,
because this ache is so real it stuns me.
Dented road ahead
Made of obsolete shapes
Not two impressions alike        
But miserably dented
To make it unique
Drive through your childhood
Flip a car
Never know
Crush a skull
Or pass merrily on
With no second glance
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