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but one word pounded in my head
echoing in my mind
I have a headache
I feel sick
"No chance... I'm sorry..."
you're not
you don't know
the pain,
but one word pounded in my head
echoing in my mind
parts of this were taken from the book I am writing in my free time. enjoy!
Support is like oxygen
*everyone needs it
 May 2017 allie
 May 2017 allie
I sit here waiting for the bell

There is more of me waiting for something else

Joining for something someone who understands the wait

But I sit here waiting trying to sit up strait

Waiting for the bell so I'm not late
 May 2017 allie
 May 2017 allie
When I was young when I wanted the sun to go down it did
Now it goes down without my consent

When I was young when I wanted the sun to stay up it stayed
But now it stays were it wants

Now I must sleep when the sun goes down
Now I must awake when the sun is up

My imagination still runs wild

But for now it sleeps waiting to be awoken
this is my first poem sooo any feed back will help!
 May 2017 allie
 May 2017 allie
"mommy am i a big girl yet"
is what i used to say,
back in the innocent times of 7 years old.

"mom when i grow older will i drive"
is what i used to say,
which she would respond with a sweet yes

"mom can you help me with my homework?"
is what i used to say,
back when i wasn't afraid to ask for help

"mom... actually never mind"
i would say, just a few years ago
and she would smile and say tell me later then

"mom... i wish... i had been a better daughter"
is what i am going to think, when it's too late
and she can't hear me.
she can't smile her sweet smile
and she can't hold me in her arms
and tell me everything will be
**o k a y
i started crying writing this... i love my mom so much but i'm such a terrible daughter and i'm sorry mom. i'm sorry.
 May 2017 allie
the transparency of
running water
over stone
is too much
for me to bear

i dropped my identity
into the water
and let it become
a stone

and as the mud
and ash and dirt
washed away

i saw far too clearly
what i had neglected
and the cracks
in sincerity

and i bound
my heart
and ribs
and tongue
in a tight pair of pantyhose

but it stopped my breath
and made me ache
in a way
i never knew
was possible

when i
got my breath back
i cried
with the realization
i should have never
started again
if i wanted
to be perfect

so i stepped
on the wildflowers
of renewal,
buttoned up my collar,
and slept in the rain
~i'm ready for the rain
Sometimes it just needs to be said
*Im so tired
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