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 May 2017 allie
texts from everyone
decorated places
Instagram shoutouts
all through the night
and I awake
covered in streamers and cake
happy birthday allie!
 May 2017 allie
 May 2017 allie
I wake up again and again
all through the night
i got 3 hours of sleep last night
 May 2017 allie
Vanessa Gatley
He started without the ****
Now he just being completely
Years of regrets
Drowning me in my sleep
Preventing me from moving
I'm missing something that'll never be rightfully mine.
Years of self torture
Self pity
Now I awake with carvings of my holy death set me free
Set me free for all the hours it'll take to rid this lost
Rid me of my desires
I find my lost in others but it's never the same
Jolly faces happy to see me at ease from labor
All the days and nights blink at me in my face
She's not here
She won't be here
I find her often but she's not mine
I worry her no more  
I'm consumed by emptiness  
Rid me of the memories of her
Set me a new life so I can make it better next time around

By: Leory Santana Dawn
I'm tired of the emptiness I can feel myself getting closer and closer to finding my own solution
Cherish the days when you are a balloon
held thoughtfully in a child's hand
lolloping along but teathered down

Love the days when you are a balloon
flying free
higher and higher
yet the feeling has leashed you
as you float back to earth

Never Fear the day,
when your balloon pops
. . .

just a pinprick can send you crashing down
Don't let others put a damper on your flame
be who you are and never be afraid to stand up for yourself.

I hope you think about the last stanza before the ...
 May 2017 allie
JS Clark
The deliberate suitor raps upon
Another parlor door.

The rocky trail has bested him
As his heel is bruised and sore.

But he feels the pain is worth it
He’s so full of love yet to outpour…

But he’s nothing specific--
She seeks the professional sort,
He’s a man miscellaneous--
He has nothing to offer...

It’s supposed that his future lay in his brains.
He’s so **** restless though,
He can only hop the trains.
He’s a miscellaneous!

The idea of his conforming to a niche
Would be a concept he could never

He can’t see himself,
Though into 10,000 mirrors
He’s had to of gazed--

The jack of all trades and master of none.
This is the man miscellaneous--
Let me show you the fellow who has
Slipped through all the cracks...

The women can’t take him.
The bosses reprimand him.
The preachers like to brand him.
And society likes to use his head
For its excrement.

Like Atlas, he bears the weight.
The weight of his sin; the weight of his hate.
The whole world’s **** of useless information,
Fed to him by wires and pages--

He’s become a man miscellaneous--
Nothing specific,
Just a wavy form upon the horizon.
 May 2017 allie
JS Clark
The Pillow
 May 2017 allie
JS Clark
My chest, the pillow
My arm, the cradling vessel
Solace in OUR love
 May 2017 allie
JS Clark
 May 2017 allie
JS Clark
Born in the Springtime--
My LOVE, my Springfawn sublime!!
She cloaks me with warmth...
 May 2017 allie
JS Clark
 May 2017 allie
JS Clark
I float among an ether,
As we all do I suppose--
An ether of numbers,
A zeitgeist of digital woe.

Jim Croce once sang
Of his having a name.
A member of this world, yes,
Singing the individual refrain.

The place where I live,
They desire community;
But it’s all contrived--
We’re just dollar signs in unity.

Sadly, we will be nothing more.
We’ve been lulled to a desperate sleep.
This ether of digital zeitgeist
Will not our souls to keep.
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