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Sometimes, I forget.

Sometimes I forget love
Sometimes I forget confidence
Sometimes I forget how to not be alone
Sometimes, I forget.

I forget life,
I stop feeling alive
I forget that alone is not in isolation,
But still, I can't. Find. You.

And it's scary to think that I'm on the brink of losing myself once again.
For where would I be, if I am not me,
I am lost, with no direction.

But I know,
This is where I have to be.

I know,
Love will return.

*you have to believe that love will return.
Breathe in, Breathe out.
The disorganized nature of this poem is meant to reflect the disorganization of my thoughts at the moment. I didn't know what to think or what to write, so my thoughts came out in an erratic fashion.
Also, the "you" that I'm meant to find is myself; the loving, lively part of myself.
It's amazing
We thought the sun was gone!
But it's amazing
Like heaven and Earth are one.

The Earth needs to sleep,
It's getting quite late!
It's past the Earth's bedtime,
Don't keep it awake.

Where is the Earth's blanket!
Where is it, dear lord!
Oh there's the Earth's blanket,
Lay in darkness some more.

But the blanket isn't perfect,
Some stars will shine through.
Yes there are some holes there,
The starlight renewed.
"What if the Earth pulled a blanket over itself to tuck itself in at night, and the stars that shone were simply the tiny holes in that blanket?"
I’ve never been in love

Ben said, if that’s all you have to worry about
then you’re doing pretty **** well

After some consideration
I decided that it’s okay for now
you should know yourself
before someone else
could ever hope to reciprocate
and the biggest lie I can tell myself
is that I have it all figured out
at twenty two

I feel like all I am capable of writing about is love
and cliché lines like
her eyes could stop freight trains
or some nonsense about
how she moves like the phases of the moon
but there is one thing I have realized:
you do not need pretty words for your poetry
to have meaning

All I know for sure
is that I like root beer and whiskey
and the way I know spring is coming
by a scent in the air that I just can’t put my finger on

I know I have a hint of north Baltimore accent
and just because I couldn’t make it at a university
I am not a failure
dorm life isn’t for everyone
and sometimes I would rather drink alone

I’ve never been in love
for now that’s enough
She wanted to wash the man out of her hair
But the scent was too strong and the braid was too tight;

The sun cannot shine from beneath a rock;

So she cut it.
I am beautiful.
I know this because I can look myself in the mirror and say it.

You are beautiful too.
I know this because everyone is gorgeous in unique ways.

Beauty is in your bright eyes.
Beauty is in your gorgeous smile.
Beauty is in your hair as it blows in the wind.
Beauty is in your attitude and your actions, in the way you treat yourself and others.

Beauty is NOT in the extra pounds decorating your hips.
Beauty is NOT in the color of your skin.

Everyone is beautiful in both invisible and tangible way.
It’s just a matter of seeing those ways in yourself and others
For all the girls out there... this is for you...
Finding myself tired and uninspired
at least the bed left me today.
I did my laundry
what more do you want from me
I can't think of much else
in this haze.

the passions stop.
I no longer see the sputtering
of yellow lines down
a highway

as something I could recreate
into a beautiful composition.

The sky is only grey
and no longer the keeper of
nostalgic malaise.

My feet only move me
when bothered for the trouble
and howl and moan
every mile of road
they encounter.

I don't have a real position on
the matter
when my thoughts scatter
and I'm left with hollow eyes
and a succulent consciousness
gone dry.
I don't have a snarky reply

just another useless day
I unwillingly offer up
to the unforgiving clock
and a loss of sentiment.

A real women can do it all by herself......
But a Real man won't let her.

The people who know the least about you
Have the most to say.

Telling a girl to "Calm down"  when
She's mad Is like trying to Baptize a cat.
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