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Amanda Francis Feb 2019
Your heartbeat is my favourite sound.
I can't get the rytham of your breathing out of my head.

To be close enough to hear this song is is a dream.

I only wish I could hear it just once!
Amanda Francis Feb 2019
I never knew being in love was learning how to be your friend.

I knever knew that life was learning to hold on to the end.
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
Loving you feels like the closest ill get to see the blue of a flame.

From the inside...
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
I used to only read factual books.
I gorged on their secrets about this world.
Fiction books only told of secrets in someone else's mind.
A glass door to a lonely fantasy world, forever closed.

But somehow I got caught up in my fantasies of you.
I read your favourite stories to understand your mind.
Now I wonder wistfully through a fictional abyss, longing for you.
And when this story comes to a close, you'll still be a glass door.

Forever closed.
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
To me you are floccinaucinihilipilification,
and as ugly as the word too...
Amanda Francis Jan 2019
'I don't want anyone to get hurt'
Your words as sharp as the knife you're twisting...
  Jan 2019 Amanda Francis
Some days,
life is like holding
an overflowing chest
of diamonds, rubies, and sapphires.  

Other days, I have the same chest,
but I just feel the weight
of a heavy box of rocks.
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