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 May 2015 Alex
Dead Lock
 May 2015 Alex
Dead Lock
It will be hard
It will be worth it
 Apr 2015 Alex
you've always been my
favorite book
never difficult to pick from the shelf
and breeze through.
I have read you
and over
one thousand times
and I find things
with each and every read
that I never discovered
in the last.
all of the genres
combined within you;
an endless movie
running through my head
with you as the lead role
and I couldn't imagine a life
without you being written
into it.

Copyright ©  2015 Alyssa Packard
All Rights Reserved
reading never came as a challenge for me,
maybe that's why loving you will be so easy
 Apr 2015 Alex
Living with depression
is like watching people around you
breathing but instead.

Your blue lips inhale
words of self-hatred
and you know you should
be able to fill
you lungs
with fresh oxygen
like everyone else.

but you can't.

And the worst part is
people mistake your chest
frantically rising up and down
as breathing
when really you're
 Apr 2015 Alex
Hush Little Darling,
Don't You Cry,
Don't Slit Your Skin,
Don't Say Goodbye,
Put Down That Blade,
Put Down That Light,
I Know It's Hard,
But You'll Win This Fight..
 Apr 2015 Alex
Paul Andrews
Broken recognizes broken.
Two broken souls will find each other,
and hang on for life.
If broken recognizes broken
and I am alone,
am I really broken
have I just not found
someone as broken as me yet?
 Apr 2015 Alex
Life killed him
 Apr 2015 Alex
He said to me with swollen eyes,
"Heaven is better than this,
  So if there is no purpose for my living,
  Why delay my rapture. I love you,
  But I'm only going to Hurt you if I stay."

A peck on my lips,
"Go, run home!"
And he ran,
I yelled and cried,
He ran and ran,
I stood, so scared,
With tears in my eyes,
Gun shots in the air.

No one could help him.
"It wouldn't be suicide,"
The words he said echoed in my head,
"I'm just going to be in the wrong place,
At the right time."

I ran and ran,
Cried and cried,
I couldn't watch,
It was a blood bath,
A riot.

I ran home,
Ran and ran;
But home was where he was,
And I didn't know where that was.

I cried and cried,
And in that moment I was certain,
*My soul had died.
I don't even know where this came from, but I feel it, the pain, the reality.
 Apr 2015 Alex
Liz And Lilacs
Purple and blue and black
fade to yellow and green.
Sickly marks marring
pale as moonlight skin.
There are so many bruises,
I fear that even a golden soul
has been blackened beyond healing.
I guess you didn't understand that when you hit me, it left marks that weren't just skin deep.
 Apr 2015 Alex
 Apr 2015 Alex
When waves of sadness washed over me
And began to pull me under
You taught me how to swim.
 Apr 2015 Alex
 Apr 2015 Alex
Eyes are not just eyes.
They hold stories of futures ,
seas and forest trees. Takes
a few minutes for one to see.
Look in your lovers eyes. Take
a moment don't just observe
their eye colour. Search for
stories and lost history. Look
hard and you'll find answers
for unsolved mysteries. Scars
of the past. Gardens bursting
into life. You'll find hope ,
new beginnings and a cozy home.
And if your lucky enough all
you'll see will be endless
amounts of love* ~
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