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 Feb 2015 kittykatnip
Sleep, shivering lion
Let the silence of the warm night
Bring you all the hope you need
Sadness will wait until the morrow

Let the moon
Look down on you with kind eyes
For it knows what it is to be alone
And so tired of shining
Of being cold.

Lie by the river
Wet your brow
Wish the water over you
And breathe clearly for once

And only swim in the morrow
Sadness can wait

Live the sunken lives of your ridden days
Watch the stars twinkle on your paws
Never wake till you're ready again
Gentle, shivering lion.
Sometimes being depressed is exhausting and being alone is suffocating. We all need time to let the fever break.
 Jan 2015 kittykatnip
sarah bell
i was told i could be anything,
so i chose to be a feminist
when i suggested my father help with the laundry,
my mother told me i was crazy.
meghan tranior's "all about that bass"
is telling bigger girls to be comfortable in their own skin
because skinny girls already do, right?
i'd like to make as much as my male coworkers.
i was laughed at for wanting to be a doctor instead of a housewife.
people look at me strange when i say i don't want kids.
when i gave a speech about feminism in my english class,
i was called a man-hater.
"my shoulders distract the boy's education".
my mom shouldn't have to worry
about what goes in my drink at concerts.

i will be a feminist until
i can tell my boyfriend
"no babe, i'd rather watch the movie"
and i am not told
"you're depriving him of his needs".
my body is my body.
i no longer have to carry pepper spray on a keychain.
women in foreign countries can vote and drive.
woman means human.
we understand **** culture
and feminism isn't just about women,
it's about humans.
Wine, spinning, we dine,
Candles and moon making love,
.  .  .  Sparkle in her eyes.
 Dec 2014 kittykatnip
SG Holter
I love my life.
All of it.
Every time the sun warms or
Burns; the rain soothes, or
Stings with angry ice; barrel-hot
Buckshot, I
Thank. Thank for the
I love my life.
All of it.

It's an art.
All of it.
Every time the axe rests above
Your neck mid-air,
Wink at the masked one
Holding the handle.
Thank. Thank for the
Swift awakening
Add years to your dreaming.

It's an art.
All of it.

I love you, poet.
All that is you.
You hold an opposing answer
In each hand, commanding
The chooser to hold
Your gaze and keep
The best readings rest between
Every line drawn.

I love you, poet.
It's an art. All that
Is you. **** well
All of it.

Sleep safe.
Add years to your
 Dec 2014 kittykatnip
Mr X
You are not alone.

Even if it seems that the world
Is nothing but a living hell,
There'll always be someone to
Walk down the same path as you.

You are not alone.

Even if it seems that love was
Never meant to be trusted
Or friends were never meant to
Remain true to this bond forever.

You are not alone.

Even if your tears flow like rivers
And no one comes to wipe a drop.
Coz' on the other side of the river
We wait. You just need to swim across.

It'll be your own battle for a while.
Swimming across will not be easy.
But it's your share of battle
And you've got to fight.

And then...

You'll never be alone.
 Dec 2014 kittykatnip
Moon Shine
I tore apart your skin
I ate your cells and broke you in
I grinded your bones
And in the marrow I find your home
I squeezed out your eyes
I found your lies
Stars in dust wasteland,
Seen once, every seven years,
Desert flowers bloom.
 Dec 2014 kittykatnip
Mr X
Thank you for being there.
You make this place a lot more beautiful.
 Dec 2014 kittykatnip
do not date a girl
who writes.
she will internalize
carve poems
into your eyelashes
instead of
kissing them,

she will analyze you,
calculate age
from the rings
your coffee cup
instead of refilling it.

she will memorize
the way your
lips curl around steam,
but not that you
take it
two sugars,
no cream.

she will read your
palm instead of
holding it
against her chest.

she will not
when you leave,
because she is
romanticizing it.
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