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  Jul 2016 Afrah
Arlene Corwin
To the Poets of Hello, Hello!

We write, we share.
We hope there’s someone there
To read
Perhaps need
Precisely as we
Say it,
Hoping that they see it
As we do.
(They seldom do, but
It’s the memo
Of the heart,
Our smattering of art
That matters.)

Hello, Hello,
My fellow poets.
I come to you,
Admiring, commenting,
Caring for the things you dare to share.

Over simplified, naïve maybe,
Never diva we,
The weavers of profundity.
Hello, Hello to poets and to poetry,
Its crystal-gifted company
And you who take in what you see

To The Poets Of Hello, Hello! 7.4.2016
The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative II;
Arlene Corwin

Hello Poetry; a site encouraging one and all to submit & share their oeuvre.
Afrah Jul 2016
The shadow grins around
Eyeing as they fall
Clasping to the sound
Menacing; all he was.
  Jul 2016 Afrah
Death is not fair.
It does not care
or breath.
It does not take
what bleeds
leaving seeds
to spring into
a lighter view
of the heavenly
some days.
It discriminates
against the poor
taking them more
other day it plays
with the wealthy.
It does not balance
or think
grow or shrink.
It is not a tangible being
or a solid thing.
It will not make a deal
no matter how deep you feel.
It is not your enemy or friend.
It is simply the end.
Afrah Jul 2016
        we lessen our sharing of other's work

in an attempt to brighten up our own.
  Jul 2016 Afrah
Randi G
I hate how words can drop your mood.
The plummet of my stomach with
A single text from you.
Words are only lines, you see
A scribble shouldn't make me scream.
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