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  Nov 2015 adelaide
so, stepmother,
you're saying that
because of my
of lying and
doing things
that i regret now,
makes what happened to
a liar?

that's sick, and i'm
surprised even you could
even think of that
as an option.
  Nov 2015 adelaide
Shylah S
What happens
after Cinderella
is able to be with her prince?

After her stepmother gone
her stepsisters vanquished
all obstacles gone ever since?

Did they grow old
lavished in the kingdom's wealth
and love each other forever?

Or did the handsome prince
grow bored
and find another beautiful woman to endeavour?
All Captain Hook wanted was love.
All Cruella de Vil wanted was self-esteem.
All Cinderella's stepmother wanted was success.
These villains were not villians at all.
They had the same intentions as everybody else on Earth.
  Nov 2015 adelaide
Anna Swir
She was an evil stepmother.
In her old age she is slowly dying
in an empty hovel.

She shudders
like a clutch of burnt paper.
She does not remember that she was evil.
But she knows
that she feels cold.
  Nov 2015 adelaide
Karen Newell
Fire Walker
Angel Talker

Tree Hugger
Technicolor Dreamer
Imagination Jumper

Long time Barber
Recent Photographer

Twisted Big Sister
Missus of the Mister
Wicked Stepmother
to Some
Auntie of Others

Armchair philosopher
Always a Poet
and my Friends
mostly think
a Know- It-All
but in a nice way:)

Karen Newell
  Nov 2015 adelaide
Randy Johnson
I should've known something was wrong when my dad started getting sick.
My Stepmother is evil and for many weeks, she poisoned him with arsenic.
It was five years ago today when she finished him off with the final dose.
I hated my Stepmother even though Dad wanted the two of us to be close.
It took me a while to get it done but I was finally able to have Dad's body exhumed.
When high levels of arsenic were found in his body, my Stepmother was doomed.
I was determined to bring her to justice and I knew that I wouldn't fail.
She was found guilty by a jury and I was happy because justice prevailed.
The judge sentenced her to life in prison with no chance of parole.
I loathe that woman, I can never get back Dad's life that she stole.
Even though this poem is fictional, many women really have killed people with arsenic.
  Nov 2015 adelaide
Cori MacNaughton
If I only had a daughter
I would pass along to her
All the things I've learned in life
The things that are and those that were

I would try to smooth her way
When everything was getting rough
Still, to have me for her mother
Might be handicap enough

Having included a poem I wrote for my stepson, it's only fair that I include one I wrote for my stepdaughter as well.  ;-)
I have read this in public but this is the first time it appears in print.
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