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 May 2015 Adam Childs
 May 2015 Adam Childs
I watched the sun set
behind your eyes
and realized that
I wanted to end every day
like our yesterday.

 May 2015 Adam Childs
When you came into my life,
You brought in colours


And when you left,
You took them with you.
 May 2015 Adam Childs
I remember your lips and your sonnet
and a perfect sunrise alive early hour
I remember our nights
and the long hours kept
glances here and over the shoulder
I remember you reaching over
gently grasping my hand
The hold of strong iron
with the sweat of my land

It was like a fast train
a transparent boxer with a heavy hit
I try to keep my footing through its mighty solid fit
I love you
and I have loved you
for so long dear
Come to my side and be my witness

Days speed
and all of my pain, another tattoo
a reminder of when I was with you
I blanket myself with dreams
it was rich for awhile
Days slept too long
and the threads became undone
A nightmare followed
close by as a spy
I've walked around this place a thousand times
prison steps from yesterday
the wood has softened

I bow my head
to see your face
another tear
my eyes trace
outline to shadow
I close my eyes
and hope for sound
to pull from you
to heal from you

We never part with words
just hunger

Today, I will tell you that I'm lucky
I've got an angel on my right
and you on my left
I see your eyes, like diamonds,
follow through the white-hot steam on tenuous glass
I place my finger on the same line you started
repeat the movement
and trace back my name

Your breath is heavy
your pulse of heart rhythmic with mine
In unison we are alive

"In Sympathy In Existence"

(c)April 18, 2008, Bellabloom,
and its affiliates and assigns and licencors
All rights reserved
Not all good people are good.
Not all bad people are bad.
It was just a mere label, it isn't
who they truly are or let's say "were".
 May 2015 Adam Childs
 May 2015 Adam Childs
He laid her gently
Upon a bed of roses
But forgot to warn her
About the thorns.
He showered her
With luxurious gifts
But forgot to tell her
They were on loan.
He painted her world
In glorious scarlet
But forget to mention
The colour would fade.

Like a thief in the night,
He stole her heart

But forgot to take care of it
 May 2015 Adam Childs
Tina ford
She wore yellow shoes on her wedding day,
They reminded her of the sun,
She wore a blackened garter,
To remind her of what he'd done,

She wore a deep green eye pencil,
To remind her of meadows true,
Red upon her cheeks so pale,
Enlightened her eyes cold blue,

She wore a clinging silken gown,
Caressing her curvy form,
The brightest white, as white as snow,
That glistened in the dawn,

Around her neck a silver chain,
As silver as her hair,
She sat alone, elegantly,
In her old dusty armchair,

Fifty years had passed away,
Like the flight of an albatross,
Her shoulders weighted heavily,
As she carried her burdened cross,

For on that day, her wedding day,
She waited and waited more,
He never showed, and left her there,
He'd left her alone once more,

She stared into the looking glass,
As her life had passed her by,
But every May, she wore the dress,
And a tear fell from her eye,

She wore yellow shoes on her wedding day,
They reminded her of the sun,
And now the blackened garter,
Lay on the floor undone.
Couldn't be more grand!
They "catch your drift"
They understand.

The company of writers
The company of folks
Who "get" your pain
Laugh at your jokes!

They know the need
For being heard
Most people think
Our "play" absurd
And how expression
Can be burred
And inspiration
When it occurs
Can clear the mind
of weeds and burrs
They don't know
The written word.

Through a world
As black as pitch
It's a puzzle
It's a *****
I don't know
I can't say which
Is worse... the scratching...
Or the itch!

But you, my friend
Are part of me
You have my eyes
So you can see
Though we may bicker
And disagree
We are poets

Our mind's are FREE

(C) 5/27/2015
Thanks to all my friends
At Hello Poetry...
You're like my
Extended FAMILY.


We are two travelers on the same road
You are walking ahead of me
But I can see you there
I want to follow you
I hope you stop for a while
Look back and see me
And wait for me
So we can walk together
Walking with someone makes the journey comfortable.
Never sleeping
no more dreaming
no more hope.

Dragging the souls of the old
whipped by demons
and constant screems in my head.

Flesh stripped from your body
dipped in oceans of salt
forced to eat your own brains
and drink acid water.

That's only if you were one of the good ones
the pure evil
the Hitlers of the world

Torn limb to limb
burned, drowned, hung
no food or drink
given a tiny bit of hope
but then taken away again

Eyes burned with blow torches
and left to dangle out of the socket
An itch that can not be scratched for eternity
you become a zombie
you never sleep
you never dream
you lose all hope
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