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 Oct 2015 Abigail B
I ride in the car with you, alone
and wonder
if the clouds blocked those stars tonight
for a reason.
beware of half truths
being used as levers to
pry you from the truth
 Oct 2015 Abigail B
Shock Therapy
Roses are red
Violets are blue
No words can help me to describe
How much I ******* hate you
Die in a hole

You stupid *** *****
I want to stab you
With a sharp *** stick

Like a rose
You'll be red
Painted over
With more to shed

I'll be waiting
By your door
To take your life away
You little *****
 Oct 2015 Abigail B
 Oct 2015 Abigail B
I should have realized my heart was thin, fragile
paper before you wrote
on its surface in pen.
 Oct 2015 Abigail B
I do not desire to fix you.
I cannot fix you so please do not think my love is like a magic pill.
I do though have an extreme wanderlust.
Adventures are one of life's greatest pleasures and the most grand trip I will ever get to partake in is that of your body and mind.
Your body is like a map that I want to get lost on.
Your eyes are forests that I desire to explore.
Your hands are the steering wheel to my trip.
Take me to the darkest corners of your heart and mind.
I'll bring a flashlight and give you my hand in case you get scared.
I want to know the highest mountain and the deepest valley of you.
I cannot fix or save you, that is something you are doing everyday,
But every crack and crevice I find I will fill with my love
I will bring light into your most black abyss
While you save yourself I will hold your hand
To my love
 Oct 2015 Abigail B
The One
 Oct 2015 Abigail B
A week ago I didn't know your name
A week ago my lips had never known the touch of yours
A week ago I didn't know that bliss this vast was a possibility
A week ago I doubted my abilities to fall in love
Then you came
You came and changed my whole world in the time lapse of a few days
These few days have been some of the best of my life and I know I'll have you for the rest of my life
You see, they say that you know almost immediately when it's the one and I now really believe that is true because dear God have I fallen for you
I haven't just fallen, I've dove off this cliff knowing you'll be the parachute to save me

— The End —