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The end of mortals sojourn
An Au'gust visitor
A must all living dislike
Is there any armour against it?
A thief that strikes unnoticed
A snatcher
A destroyer
He snatches the forgotten
The free born
The most sought after
Even the loved one's are not left out
He snatches the kings maker
The princes and princess
The queens are not excluded
Not to talk of the kings
He is a cruel messenger
He is no respecter of anyone
What a ruthless messenger
The offer of gold, brass and bronze
He rejects
The best attire in style never frick him
What a cruel you are
A ticket to the judgement hall
The leverage amongst all
He is not a friend of all classes;
Pauper,slave and the wealthy
Oh death
The breaker of the umbreakable bond.
 Feb 2016 JAM
Brooklyn Brooks
Stomach pains directly connected to the interwoven circuits that are
Wondering, hoping.

Stopping at blind corners
Questioning the soul...

A potion of acid and cactus forms
Transformative contributions.

Catching up because you woke up to late.

Now it's to late; so late that your building a statue to remember the good you see in others.

The universe is penetrating everything at the same time it's being penetrated while we all wonder what is happening?

What does this all mean?

Why are we here?

Everything is ***** and a ******, everyone is ******* everyone and everything and everyone and everything is being ****** at the same time...

Nobody gets it while the soul is in the body.

By the time the true soul leaves the said body you fools will build a statue of this body that no longer has a soul.
Anxiety equals creativity
Both invented by my imagination
 Feb 2016 JAM
losing faith
 Feb 2016 JAM
a bottle of wine and some cigarettes
I'm calling off all my bets
I pray for hope, ain't found it yet
I guess this is all I get

a pair of boots and a dusty trail
I walk alone and tell my tale
I do my best, but I don't prevail
I guess it's all a fairytale

some cigarettes and a bottle of wine
I will get along just fine
to try to defy what's in my mind
I guess sometimes I might be blind

a little smoke and a little drink
I'm no longer on the brink
a dying mind, it starts to stink
I guess I just need time to think

a bottle of wine and some cigarettes
I'm holding off on all my debts
I guess I'll live with my regrets
a guess is all a guess begets
 Feb 2016 JAM
Miranda Renea
Time shifts in the shadows
Who swim together to and
Fro from future and past.
If you lay long enough, you
Can meet them. They're
Named after the muted
Colors of a Lady Bug as it
Cools off in the shade of
A dahlia, planted by a lover
Of wild things.
 Feb 2016 JAM
Star Gazer
The tiles turned to dust,
The metals turned to rust.
The glass turned to shards,
That is when people turn to bards.
 Feb 2016 JAM
You know...
 Feb 2016 JAM
Mom I know you think
You're angry now
But maybe this will help you
I know you thought
I'd never amount to anything
Even after becoming a teamleader
At the age of 23

Even though you still don't
Believe it of me
Now that I'm one
Of your supervisors
Mrs Governess
So it's time I tell you a few things

I started going out
At the age of 14
I know you thought I was
Staying with my sister
And I really was
But... You know.

I lost my virginity
6 months before you found out
I've had more than one accident
You know aside from the one
That you know of
But to be honest,
I kind of blame you
For never wanting to talk about it
That's not going to
Make it stop from happening

It was me who broke in to the cellar
Sorry I left my keys at home
You know... Even after
You installed that wooden thing
And removed the doorknob
After I did it the first time
You know... To make sure
I wouldn't do it again

I was not selling my body
When I didn't come home
All summer and the easter vacation
I was with the Consul's daughter
Smoking, drinking and getting high
We broke in to some
Abandonned houses
And set a few trash cans on fire

We stole her dad's car
Well they stole, I stood on street
Telling the other cars to turn around
We also stole Pedro's car
Nobody had a driver's license
And there were 6 passengers
I violated a few christian statues
And made out in a confessional

I used to come an hour late
To school on mondays
So I could cash my cheque
At the bank
You know... From the cleaning job
That I did after school
Which is how I got all the money
And no, dark street corners
Had nothing to do with it

We got in to a fight on the bussstation
And almost again
When a girl threatened my sister

Are you still mad
About me quitting
My current job?
Let's put things in perspective here lol
This is not the worst thing I've done.
 Feb 2016 JAM
Coleseph Nelzsun
I saw the utter paralyzing pain in his eyes

So much of the identity he had constructed to represent himself today, was a product of the attachment to an idea of who they were together
Like a cartoonist he painted a separate reality with broad romantic stokes
One where she existed for him
While he did not admit this to himself, it was true
Because when she was her own woman
He no longer possessed her

Did he truly love her?
Or did he love the image and feeling of being attached to her?
Could he simply appreciate the time they shared?
Or would he spend every present moment worrying and ensuring that she would stay with him through the future?

Although he was with her for years
He was rarely ever truly WITH her
He was only with the image he projected onto her
The image of girlfriend
The image of wife

And he was never truly himself
He was the image of boyfriend
The image of husband

So when these illusions fell away
And she went on to live a life free of his expectations
His world fell apart
He lost his role
He lost his identity
He lost his life
A cautionary tail that is all to commonly true for those who get caught up in their life roles. Don't get attached to your ideas and expectations of what something should be. Just live and let live and appreciate what you have.
 Feb 2016 JAM
It's a beautiful thing
When the idiot turns out to have been right all along
It's a miserable thing
An unbearable thing
When the fool was the only one who had any wisdom
It's a marvelous thing
When the loser is going to win in the end
It's a horrible thing
A terrible thing
When we find out what it is
But its too late to change the way it was

So this madman
Resorts to running though the night
With nothing in his hands
And no place to call home
And all he has
Is the thought

It's a beautiful thing
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