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 Feb 2016 JAM
 Feb 2016 JAM
Our bodies brighter,
We belong here together.
Like stars colliding,
a brand new shock of conscience.
 Feb 2016 JAM
Sk Abdul Aziz
What an amazing feeling it is
When you are able to give a smile
At a time when someone expects your anger
When you are able to stay strong
At a time when someone expects you to shed tears
When you are able to fight
At a time when someone expects you to give up

I wish i could do this more often
What is twinkling?
On the forest lake
Where is it from?
What doth it make?
The fool that I am
An idiot I are
It is the night sky
From the morning star
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
 Feb 2016 JAM
Mary Smith
Each of Us
 Feb 2016 JAM
Mary Smith
We each have pain
but, on different levels
all the same hell
but each a different devil
we see what we may, we see what we might
we might try our hardest but we can't see into the night
To ourselves we stay
Each of us may
but together we are one
all under the sun
together we will be undone
We go our fastest , away we run
but the next morning it will all be re-done
 Feb 2016 JAM
Camélia Evergreen
It really hasn’t been that long
No, not all that long at all
Since you and I began
And I began to fall

But looking back I see
So much feeling so much fear
Fear that what I havn’t said
You have been unable to hear

So now for better or for worse
I will confess to you my thoughts
It might not be my smartest move
But please pardon all this verse

I used to think my life was good
And wonderful it was
I could not ask for anything
And indeed I seldom should

I used to think I knew happiness
Knew it well as any squirrel or bird
Knew it well as any free living thing
Rejoicing in this Earth

Yet knowing you has changed all this
Not even the sun could contest
The brightness in my pounding chest
Masked by an overwhelming shyness
But present nonetheless

You highlight the landscape of my life
With strange metaphors and charms
For surely if you were to be removed
I would be in a state of great alarm

My one true comfort in it all
Is that looking back I think
I see you looking back at me as well
 Feb 2016 JAM
Mark Lecuona
Something that existed
Before nothing
Made something
From nothing
In seven days
Then fooled a man
With a snake
And a woman
Then flooded something
And made it
Then gave us something
A spirit
And a son
Who was God
Or was he?
Raised from the dead
Then nothing
For two thousand years
Except a book
In another language
From another land
And you believe
That's alright
But what does that have to do with me?
The law
Spoken from your lips
Demanding tithes
Laying hands
Faith healing
Speaking in tongues
Lifting up
That's a lot of talk
But what does that have to do with me?
Born of the same man
But not the same Mom
Sent away
Living in the desert
Believing in miracles
Of a ****** birth
Of ascension from life
Further revelation
The final prophet
And you believe
That's alright
But what does that have to do with me?
From nothing
Primordial soup
A fish
A monkey
A man
Then death
Then nothing
And you believe
In nothing
That's alright
But what does that have to do with me?
Which miracle should I believe?
The miracle of a God?
The miracle of life from nothing?
The miracle of my life?
The miracle of yours?
How can I be sure?
How can you?
Yet you are
And I am not
Your assuredness
My skepticism
The more you believe
The less I do
Why must I be like you?
Are alms not enough?
Stop shaking my shoulders
Stop telling me I’m going to die
Stop telling me I am not chosen
Stop telling me only idiots believe in God
I met you forty years ago
Then again
And again
Each time
A difference face
Each time
With the same message
Don’t believe
It never changes
So stop
I've heard it
I've thought about it
I've felt it
You cannot reach me
Only I can reach myself
I know how bad I can be
I know how I hurt others
I know my capabilities
I know my limitations
I know I need to forgive
And I know how I feel
I know
So you live
As will I
Let me follow my path
It will be unspoken
I cannot tell
I will not tell
Maybe you will see
Maybe you will know
As you follow your path
While disapproving of mine
And you find yourself
Because you were judging my way
Instead of living your own
You might ask yourself
What does it have to do with him?
This is a subcultural song

Free energy efficient enthusiasts
Replaced the iroquois punk style
Alternatives, noisy *******; ear
Damaging drum bass boxes in da
Clubs. Ravishing rave parties in
Mini skirts, glam glossy brass on
Ecstatic strobe-light synthesis - a
Synthetic mainstream paradise
Submerged to hypnotic sucklings
On the colourful plastic pacifiers
A gummy retreat before waterless
Collaps. A dehidrated dream that
Tried to shut the world off by the
Tendrils of regression resemblance.
Adult babies aboard going back to
The false long forgotten innocence.

There is no subculture in being above
The depth. Superficiality seems a posh
Pose and a good hiding reason for socially
Awkward childish rebels without material
Issues. The sore tissue of contemporary art
Is people don't believe in subjective objective
Selves anymore. What authorities put on the
Shelves there - it has to be good-when on the
Real deal discount. You think im not of such
Kind. Sheepishly blindfolded herd lives some-
where else. I pity them. Mock the socially meek,
Unajust, fat, poor or a greek profile. It has to be
A button hot child candy nose to **** her or to
Call a beauty per se. Per american dream team.

***** are hot untill they have pneumatics, man
Are man if they whirl the banknotes under bank
Accounts. ******* act like man in disguise greedy
For more. I inhabitated all this inherently ugly
Preachy words instead of puking into a labdab
Lavatory and cleanse myself from repulsively
****** cultural intermittent artifacts. And how
Can i not subdue to its overwhelming pressure.
I'm just an indigo child of flower children. Don't
Throw me the bones fueled with the black golden
Marrow. I'm a new alternative peasant, growing
Carrots and celery at bio degradable villages. . .
Its not a contra cultural venture if your socks
Are made out of industrial cannabis, and yet
There's no need to. Think. Love. Play music.
Listen. Breathe. Live life as if yours favourite
subcultural song is repetedly on...going along
 Feb 2016 JAM
jasmine fernandez
Thank you all....for all valuable criticisms and liking my poems which edges me to write more..
Thank you once again....
 Feb 2016 JAM
Poetic T
You were my gravity but we were
Always being pulled apart natures
Cruelty at what was meant but
Always stretched distances apart.

I would bend the rules of relativity
To be next to your atmosphere, it
Tasted fresh upon my orbiting
Thoughts that lingered in you heart.

*"Your the ripple of love that penetrates my space,
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