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2.2k · Sep 2017
Oh My Moon
O my Moon,
Be my guide.
In this darkness,
Show me light.

I want to follow you.
To world’s end.
Lead me to my destiny,
Take my hand.

You wake me up,
You make me see,
All this beauty,
That could be.

I may not see you,
But I’m aware,
Silent, and far away,
You are there.

All alone, all this while,
Don’t you long for more?
Find your missing piece
And become whole?

Look at me,
As I at you.
Two lost children.
That is true.

We may seem different,
Show different moods.
But we come from one place,
Share deep roots.

I yearn for you,
With all your scars.
You’re my only Moon,
Amongst the stars.

But if I’m not worthy,
Of your grace,
I’ll find a way, just
Promise me this:

Far above and beyond,
Forever stay so bright.
As you look now, beautiful,
On this river tonight.

O my Moon,
Be my guide.
In this darkness,
Show me light.
Although this poem took root as an ode to the Moon, it quickly evolved into much more than just that. I think it can mean different things to different people. To me, it speaks of at least three different things. Hopefully, you, dear reader, will see what I see in this too. Or, maybe it will resonate with you too, and you'll find your own meaning behind it. Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback, if any.
1.5k · Oct 2017
Friend Request
Of all the messages,
In all the bottles out at sea,
I’m glad, this one
Found its way to me.

Bonds of blood,
May be a bane or a boon.
Bonds of money n’ comfort,
May break too soon.

But bonds of love,
For the written, unspoken word,
Are whispers from the cosmos,
That lonely spirits heard.

We don’t know each other.
Just strangers in the crowd.
Few take that first step.
So, thanks for reaching out.

If it’s meant to be,
We’ll meet some day.
Maybe we already have.
Who can really say.

Even if we never did, never do,
Let’s not become a lost memory.
I hope, you’ll keep sharing,
Your beautiful gift with me.

I do have some friends,
But not many have what you do.
You’ve already helped more than some
To give credit where it’s due.

So I’ve made my decision.
This is what I say to you:
I see your friend request, and,
I’d like to be your friend too.
The initial inspiration for this was this cute little poem: But then it found a life of its own in a more general context. You can change para 3 and it still works for many "friend requests".
538 · Nov 2017
Stormy State Of Mind
Storm clouds gather.
Some with silver linings.
Some with darker tidings.

Flash of lightning,
Sprawling across the sky.
Straggling ideas that stupefy.

Thunder at night,
Reverberating in the clouds.
Echoes of faded memories too loud.

Clouds of lead.
Draw close to the cliff’s edge.
To dump out what’s been dredged.

And rain they do.
Drop-by-drop, at first.
Then, in fits and bursts.

The rain pours n’ lashes.
Entire worlds, it could sink.
From eyes that do not blink.

But winds never stop.
Clouds drain away, move on.
Get up! Keep trudging along.

The sky changes colors.
Beings return to their flock.
Time resumes on the stopped clock.

The scent of wet soil,
On a breezy night stroll,
Reawakens the soul.

N’ when you see the moon,
Peek through and shine,
You know, everything will be fine.
513 · Dec 2017
A Stranger
In a cool autumn breeze,
Walking down an old street,
I came across a stranger,
And it made me lose my ease.

Memories, I tried to plow.
But my mind wouldn’t allow.
I knew I knew the man.
Just didn’t know how.

He was old and wrinkled.
But his eyes still twinkled.
“Hey there! Remember me?”
My heart, his voice tingled.

He smiled at me, bit amused.
I stared at him, lot confused.
“Sorry, but how do I know you?”
Said I to the man perused.

To which he said:

“I’m the wolf that wasn’t fed,
Surprised, I ain’t already dead.
Missing, marooned memories –
I’m what time hasn’t yet shred.”

Thinking him mad, I began to leave.
My quandary, he seemed to perceive,
For he spat, “Time, when one gifts,
Be humble, and their wisdom, receive.”

He went on:

“Friends were we; grew up together.
Our bond was to be our tether.
Keeping us safe, sane, spirited –
Storms, it would’ve helped us weather.”

The fog lifted at this mention.
I realized our deep connection.
Shocked, surprised, I almost cried,
At this ghost’s resurrection.

I inquired where he had gone.
Why return this beautiful dawn?
Why couldn’t I see him before?
Why did it have to take so long?

He answered with:

“Too busy to look or listen;
In a rush, you missed all the fun.
I was always ’round the corner;
You just… never made the turn.

But, for a breath, you stopped today.
So, here I am, plain as day.
Fate often looked you in the eye,
Only, this time, you didn’t look away.”

* * *

We meandered through a park.
Enthralled by the song of the lark,
I gaped at the colors of fall,
Wondering where had gone this spark.

As the old leaves fell,
I felt my heart swell –
A lightness long forgotten,
The lifting of a dark spell.

Finally, I understood this:
That feeling of something amiss,
Was just me not able to see,
A life blessed with beauty’s kiss.

So, at long last, I said to him:

“All your words are indeed true.
I’ve missed this place, this view,
Missed the laughter, the light,
Missed so much about you.

Last we talked, I was a child.
Living in a world less wild.
With a heart full of wonder,
Worried far less, much I smiled.

But somehow I lost that zen.
God only knows way back when.
Times changed, and so did I.
Never been the same again.

I so wish I could’ve seen,
The futures that could’ve been.
Life, blessed with your charisma,
Would be so much more serene.

I lost you once, and was lost.
But, thank God, our paths, at last, crossed.
Don’t leave my side till I close my eyes.
Not again can I suffer that cost.”

* * *

And so continues our story.
I just pray I never again see,
That deep, dark, death of a night when
That “stranger” is, once more, a stranger to me.
In this festive season, a poem about rebirth.
Originally inspired by the poem "The Crooked Man" by Elrow Swift, here on HelloPoetry.
For more details:
On cold winter nights.
Brilliance of billions of stars.
Steeped in deep darkness.
My first attempt at Haiku. Hope it's not too bad. :)
235 · Sep 2017
I bow to thee,
The great sands.
‘Gainst your power,
Who are we?

Born high or low,
Everyone cowers,
When winds howl,
And sands blow.

Inch by inch, day by day,
You keep crawling along.
Slowly, steadily, stealthily,
You bury kingdoms away.

The secrets you hold,
May make men mad.
Or bless ‘em beyond belief,
With riches untold.

Grains unfathomable,
The world and beyond.
For an eternal life,
Just a few, be ample.

Yet, we ****, we fight,
Lost in the parade.
You blind us much,
By clouding the light.

In this barren wasteland,
Keep moving, keep hoping.
Many have been consumed,
By this deathly quicksand.

As you slip away,
From within my grasp,
Sometimes, I am glad,
Sometimes, I wish you’d stay.
Inspired by a dust storm

— The End —