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 May 2023 Zeena Miedema
You know it all,
but you just don't know.
I knew it too,
at least I thought so.
 May 2023 Zeena Miedema
im not the writer of my story
im the main character in this chaotic novel
Why do I feel numb
Watching the world
Listless in sight
Because I only see it in black and white

Colors are washed out of my eyes
And every light in me has died
All I see are smiles as frowns
Because I only see them upside down

Love songs don’t have any meaning
For a person who is trapped in their mind
Love can attempt to come my way
And I will just glance and walk away

Storm clouds cries and fills the ocean
But my salty tears competes with emotion
Filling the ocean ten times till tomorrow
That the ocean will be overwhelmed with sorrow

In the end,
I try a superficial smile
And try to fool myself for awhile
But as much as I try
There is nothing left inside
Because everything in me
Can’t seem to come alive
For those who suffer from mental illness, I hear you and I know.  There is help and above all hope.  You are strong, keep fighting, you are worth it.
 May 2023 Zeena Miedema
you say my writing is
but you forget that you’re
the one
inspiring it
She was an art,
but she wasn't the type
you'd find in museums
or the type that would
make you feel profound things
in your chest.

She was an art
tucked in hidden pockets
of a faded yellow dress.
She was an art,

slowly sketching herself
out of existence.
Cold fingers touch me like a corpse.
I touch my neck and wonder am I dead?
Simple things gather important weight
poems gather like mobs inside my head.
Torches and pitch forks chase mistakes
bury your past in tomorrow's sorrow.
Calloused hands from the sacred shovel
pay back the cost always due tomorrow.
Sometimes i wonder do you
Remember me like i remember you.
 Apr 2023 Zeena Miedema
Luca C
Thats the thing about poetry,
you think im talking about a
broken heart,
when really,
Im talking about a broken
Words can hide things
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