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i could spend hours
thinking of your hair.

somedays, i do.
Roses shrivel in winter’s core
Skies decay on mountain’s gore
In lies a youth with severed paws
Death is crawling on all fours…

In the meadows of a shepard’s land
Lays a mother on rigid sand
Staying there for which she will
Tomorrow she must pay her bill…

A long distance so far away
A father of four can all but stay
For he, a widower can leave no trail
Of the ever-lasting love, doomed to fail…

Lonely is as lonely does
Reeks the evil of Morsel’s couz
A wretched soul for which he rusts
Now that bellows in the dust…

Strange although all is true
The youth is dead, cold and blue
The mother in prison with many a trife
Killing her child has given her life…

The reunion of two ruined souls
Buried side-by-side near the blinded moles
Morsel’s couz will burn in hells might
Forever a figure of wicked light.
I once wished to end together,
I wanted you so close and dear,
I wanted you like bees in heather,
How curious, strange to end familiars.

We grew in fondness, each landed eye,
O seasons turned through sun and chill,
Grew up together, teased and pried,
In the village schoolyards upon a hill.

And lately I have come to love you,
Greatly I have felt youths quickening,
Wishing for us to start as lovers true,
But playgrounds promise no beginnings.
 Aug 2015 Shafiq Zafri Zakri
She said,
“Be a fountain, not a drain.”

I said,
“Fountains make good wishing wells.”
We fold together like paper.
Our hearts beating;
Breaking and twisting open
Love's ***** dome.

With flight our minds
Melt words in pools of autumn sun
As we carve our initials in wood.

Our shape flits
Like butterflies
As we lie wet and naked
Moving together in heat.
Floating like lillies,
Like rose petals
Descending down the riverbank.

©Jack Aylward
I hoped,
Before the old girl died,
She'd request to meet me
Eyes to eyes,
And apologize.
I never got the call,
And it was getting late
For a death bed confession,
A plea bargain absolution.
I would have blessed her,
Held her hand,
Let her know I understand;
Seeing, as I'm a man.
So, I went to meet her,
Eyes to eyes;
Held her face
And apologized.
I am wondering if any of you out there , my Hello Poetry friend's would like to try out an idea of mine. It may especially appealing to those who have done collaborative poems. It is what I refer to as a Progressive poem. (some of you may have heard of progressive dinners, were you go to one person's house for appetizers, another person's house for  main course , then someone else's for dessert.) This may appeal to someone's creative pallet without calories and be challenging and fun.
We could agree on a topic to write about and  many 3 or 4 people or possibly alternate writing lines and blend it together into a beautifully creative masterpiece a beautiful blending of creative minds.
Any taker's out there on Hello Poetry to accept this Progressive Poem challenge. ( perhaps Mike Hauser or other's who have done a collaborative poem with me, or interested in doing one?) If you might consider please drop me a message on here.
Traces are
The sticky air
Between, hopes
Fulfilled and fears
Conquered, while
Life flows slowly
Towards an
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