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Zander May 2019
My life.

My aching bones.My ****** hands.My bleeding heart.

When did this begin for me? When did I become this person?

When did this person....become me??

And then I stop and think...
and this person was there all along,
written in the selfishness of my heart and the weakness of

My soul.

Yeah, this person was there all along.

But it wasn't me.

This is not who I want to be.
This is not who I am deep inside.

Inside I'm this caring amazing person...but you will never see her.

I will never see her,

Because I don't know if shes there anymore.

I've been consumed by my own evilness and left with nothing but pain,

My aching bones, my ****** hands, and my bleeding heart.
Zander May 2019
I let you control me as long as I could take.

I never let myself get out of your sight,

hiding behind the fact that you wanted the best for me.

Somehow this was all in love and I just couldn't see that until I got older.

But you hurt me.

You went out of your way to hurt me when we had just started over.

You ruined me and everything we could've been.

And it's my fault for letting everyone I love go.

It's my fault for being the one that got away.
Zander May 2019
I hate the rain.

It’s been raining all day and each drop tears me up

a little more.

When I think of rain, I think of regrets…

because I start remembering-


From back to when I didn’t have memories…

to now.

And now my mind is too full of them.

I remember leaving that building and sitting in that car.

You were there, well,

Back then you were.

I remember you standing right in front of me.

Sometimes I think if I just visualize the moment enough I can

reach back and pull you out of it.

And maybe then you would still be here.

With me.

But that’s just mere wishing isn’t it?

Because you’re gone and you're never going to come back.

And everyone says it’s for the good but how good could it be if you

ended up leaving me anyway?

Just like I thought you would.

And from a young age that was my fear

Of being left behind-

Because I never wanted to be alone.

I never wanted to be alone.

But you were standing there and the look on your

face said it all.

It told me that it was all over.

And not even just that,

It told me that you were disappointed.

That I had failed somehow.

And I think that’s what hurt the most.

Because that was all.

I don’t remember what you said to me.

I don’t remember what you did after that.


Oh, do I remember the rain so clearly.

And that look where your eyes wrinkled and your nose stiffened.

And my stomach hurt.

And the rain was pouring around us as you stared at me.
Zander May 2019
And this is it,

the life I want.

I thought I couldn't have it all.

I thought it was too much of a price to pay.

I thought it was all for nothing...

but here I am.

I made it, and by my side-

Is You.

They almost made me forget how much I love you.

But how could I possibly?

You are My Breath, My Life...

You make me who I am.

You taught me how to be me.

And yes, some things I have to do alone

But today, I'd rather be with you than to be anywhere else.

Thank you for showing me how to love.

And even though I haven't figured it out yet,

Maybe one day you can teach me how to love myself too.
Zander May 2019
We never thought Real Life would hit us.

We were the untouchable.
We took heavy steps
not realizing
that the whole time
we were walking
on Glass.
maybe we did realize it.
But live life up, right?
Risk needed to be taken,
Just so we could say that we tasted death before-
and we survived it.

For a time.

What’s the harm?
The glass kept us safe a bit,
It kept us above ground.
So we were fine.
But it was all for nothing.
Because after all….

Glass Breaks.

— The End —