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I used to read your poems
but lately you don't write
you're silent and aloof
you know that isn't right.
You can't close a door once opened
you can't abolish all your dreams
you're a poet of the heart
mustn't fall apart at the seams.
Say what you can in words
they speak the message true
spoken from the heart
the poems will see you through.
A hermit's not your style
a recluse, you are not
never give up writing
of things that you've been taught.
I used to read your poems
I'd read them once again
if you would send them out
(this one's from a poet friend)
 Nov 2018 Masego Pitso
 Nov 2018 Masego Pitso
To have true beauty,
you must be raw.
Being raw isn't always beautiful,
Just most of the time it has been viewed as ugly.
Rawness is rare.
True beauty is rare.
you are rare and i am a lucky man to have some taste of you, even for a little while
 Nov 2018 Masego Pitso
I still remember the day you took my hand,
Kissed my forehead,
And told me you didn't love me.

November 13, 2018
 Nov 2018 Masego Pitso
 Nov 2018 Masego Pitso
My smile gets bigger
My laugh sounds louder
My heart beats faster
My eyes grow wider
My stomach gets more nervous
And I wouldn't change it for the world
 Nov 2018 Masego Pitso
Some people have mind palaces
I have a dungeon in its place

I do not roam about the luxurious memories
I flinch at the various tortures
I vegetate in the various prison cells
Each an old regret and an older memory

Some people savour the past
I am suffocated by it

(c) Anavah 2018
 Aug 2018 Masego Pitso
Can you hear that?
that awkward silence
between you and your anxiety?
the void and the nonsensical
voices in your head?

Does it not make you feel dead?
I mean
Is it not sad how the people who
always wanna see you happy are
the reason why you're unhappy?
now our hearts are loose and flappy
Falling in love is too high of a price
I fell in love with poetry i guess
that's all i can afford

But Lately I Dont Say Much
these days you don't get what
you give
the world keeps on demanding
it only leads to grief
they keep telling me that my life
is crowded with people who will
stab me in the back with a knife
I know thats betrayal, but what
happened to loyalty? Or
perhaps I did not get briefed

I can still hear the silence
between me and them
the fakes, the jealous, the evil society
how do I handle this
do I even make it a priority?
I offered them masks cause their
character is constantly changing
They keep wondering how am I
All the pressure, the pain and the tragedies
Little do they know that there is no
I stay shut lately - I dont say much
I do not mix emotions with
devotion what do you call such?
I stay quite I stay woke
please do not provoke

Lately I Don't Say Much
I roll a dice and gamble with your life
but if oneday I decide to speak up
it will probably be too late for you to
hear me out because I would have
already cut you out of my life

But Lately I do not say nor do much


— The End —