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I'm a tight rope walker
Accross telephone wire.
I hear phrases,
And they've all bled together.

Our future and our past
Stand as two poles,
More wires than I can count
On my fingers
Webbed between them.
And I'm tangled up in the mess.

There are lies blazing through
The wire around my neck,
Love traveling back and forth
Around my chest,
Buzzing around my head,
And fear
My stomach.

I'm alone on my tight rope,
I don't know where you are,
All I hear are your words,
Jumbled together
In a rainstorm signals.
 Feb 2017 Tony Luna
 Feb 2017 Tony Luna
Anxiety is - conversations in my head that aren't real.

Depression is - feeling completely alone surrounded by people.

Anxiety is - being constantly exhausted and plagued by a knot in your thigh that gets tighter with each footstep.
 Feb 2017 Tony Luna
Mysidian Bard
You are my moonlight,
the darker that my life gets,
the brighter you shine.
 Feb 2017 Tony Luna
Ciel De Verre
Broken stars twist themselves against the hues of the ashen sky.
Dismantled and deformed, they crudely frame the pallor of the moon,
glinting with a graceless shine,
Burning with a blunted light,
They dance.
Romancing within the hour of dusk,
They fade,
With the sun's kiss to
The night.
I've been beaten down,
torn apart and ripped to shreds -
I have the war scars to prove it,

I've been knocked down,
broken to pieces and left out in the cold -
I've been trampled and defeated.

I've managed to stay alive -
It's nothing short of a miracle,

I've managed to turn my pain
into poetry--an art -
I've even managed to make it lyrical!

By Lady R.F ©2017
Poetry is my life!
Without it I would be completely lost
In a world I don't fit into.
 Feb 2017 Tony Luna
Some hear static and no more
Some hear a lion's roar

Some see an oil leak on pavement
Some see swirled caligraphy on parchment

Some see a worthless industrial junkyard
Some see a playground better than their yards

Some see a run down city street
Some see it as a great place for a band to meet

Some see a vacant, remote field
Some see a backwoods campsite to yeild

Some see scrawling on a bathroom wall
Some see the frustrated creativity 'neath it all
 Feb 2017 Tony Luna
We tend to separate monsters and men
Simplifying and beliving that such things can't happen again
But if we could only resurrect the dead
The sole answer would be "that's what we said"

We call abhorent acts of criminals "inhuman"
Thinking cruelty only comes from ******* men
But animals never threaten holocaust or world war
And even big brother was a child before
Some kids act like men
Some men act like kids

By Lady R.F ©2017
I feel too much,
I care too much.

I see too much,
I hear too much,

Even a whisper,
is heard loud and clear,

Nothing goes unnoticed,
it feels like a curse - one that I fear.

I sense too much,
I hurt too much,

I cherish joy too much,
I remember too much.

Every word
that was ever said,

Tosses and turns
in my heart
and in my head.

I think too much,
I give too much,

I know too much,
I grow too much.

I evaluate my insecurities

I punish myself
for turning out this way.

I never ask for much
I never take too much,

I never want too much,
my only real problem is ...
that I love--way, way too much.

~ I'm sorry.

By Lady R.F ©2017
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