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You know why I fall in for you? Because I was empty. So empty. I feel like in desert fire.I  was burn there like in hell. But I didn't die. I found the cold water.   I feel like in the ocean. But very very scary. I didn't know which one I was. And I choose both. Some times like a fire, some times like a  cold water. You are my warm side in  the middle, perfectly balanced. And your light open my eyes. I find the life with you again
 Feb 2018 Ivan Brooks Sr
I have lost counts of your tear drop...
Why can't you make the flow stop...
You know seeing you like this makes me weak...
Tell me what I can do, atleast say or speak...
You are my friend and am here by your side...
Who has upset you? Who has lied?
Please look up and smile...
See I have come across from many mile...
You don't have to worry as am here for you...
With every breath I have, I will care for you...
You are an angel enlighting my world...
Standing by me in withering cold...
Life without you seems wretched and old...
Now cheer up beautiful nold...
I made a plan for us tonight...
Eating, gossiping, playing, singing throughout the night...

Dull throbbing twilight.
I bit my tongue so
hard it bled.
A voice spoke:
said she'll be in Europe,
I will be in Europe.

this moment alone
to hide behind the earth.

Pain as an open door,
forward motion encouraged.
Written word repeated today:
begin your year.    
Robed in fluid, and in hurt,
obsequious dead
In dusted pillars rise.

An object held motionless by the sun’s gaze.
A vital outpouring of stillness,
as ninety degrees of intensifying steps
                            cascade like waterfalls.
© A H Butler
 Feb 2018 Ivan Brooks Sr
when people are in love
they often say
they simply fell
tripped over their own two feet
face forward
and into the arms of their beloved

i did more than simply fall
onto the ground of your love

you, for me
were an ocean
and i dived
almost painfully
into the waters of “you”

i knew i could not swim
but i did so anyway
i was drowning
entangled in you
surrounded by this being of “you”
engulfed in this feeling of “you”

and i did not know what came over me
but i let myself drown
i did not try to swim back up
because if i went back to land,
releasing myself from your grasp
that would mean losing the feeling of “you”

and after
submerging into the depth
the love
the passion
of “you”

how could i ever leave?
eyes see
moonly face
misses the knife
In hand
Good intentions
Change hell
Into heaven
Touches soft,
Rough, tough

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
“marvelous brush strokes”

~for Yocum~

the complimentor favors brevity,
employs these pointy few words

the complimentee, me,
favors the insanity
of the overwhelming
overarching hell of
the over-lengthy

but that would dishonor the symmetry of comprehension,
that would dishonor the comprehension of the symmetry
of painting and writing

select colors, use the old palette, favored,
the cash cache of mixology and finally the strokes

i commence
i brush your grizzled face
i brush your grizzled face with colored words
i brush your grizzled face with marvelous brush strokes

the painting incomplete, my brush strokes need retouching,
my brush stoking fingers need a touch of real
so I am coming to see you as foretold^

so i may sign my name signifying completion

 Feb 2018 Ivan Brooks Sr
Bob B
Please don't ask me to pray for victims
Of shootings. IF you do I'll refuse.
You THINK you mean well, but praying is merely
A politician's sham, a ruse,

A strategy or way to skirt
The issue that's sadly become a disgrace:
The problem of gun violence here--
Something that’s staring us in the face.

Don't ignore the matter and then
When there's a shooting ask me to pray,
While you accept money from gun
Lobbyists and the NRA.

Do not mouth obsequious chants,
Pretending your interest is on the level,
And then act shocked and horrified
After you've made your pact with the devil.

Do not quote the Constitution,
Insisting you know the writers' intentions,
When it's clear that our failed system
Is badly in need of interventions.

Don't make it easy for people to get
Assault-style weapons and bump stock devices,
Supporting the gun industry at
The cost of human sacrifices.

Action--not prayers--is what we need.
Commonsense solutions. Again:
Action. But if praying's your thing,
Ask to become AWARE. Amen!

-by Bob B (2-18-18)
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