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Trevor Dowe Aug 2021
Adrift I float
in an uncaring ocean
left, abandoned

all ties severed
solitude and emptiness
unwanted, unneeded

all traces of me
washed away with the tide
forgotten, alone
These haiku can be placed in any order, but are all connected and are a triptych of what it's like to have Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. I wrote these as a reflection of my emotions and the pain I feel when I don't understand why people aren't talking to me. I obviously know that they have their own lives, but when going from feeling like a priority to feeling like an option can make anyone feel low
Trevor Dowe Aug 2021
Her smile shines and illuminates my soul like the sun is warm on my face, with her by my side I'm happy in ways I've forgotten, if I ever knew I could be.
My alarm goes off, another day of grey.
I'm too broken and jagged edged to put anyone else in my company. I'm not whole and I'm not her responsibility to fix and I don't want to cut her on my sharp shattered soul.
For now I subsist on her genuine kindness and warmth, I may never feel her arms around me and her lips upon my skin, but I take comfort in her casual friendship and solace that I'm working on healing myself so that I can be ready for love.
Always, I will be grateful to her for her  gentleness, her ferocity, and her ambition for they are the path I follow to become whole again, upon her I would shower the blessings and bounties of the cosmos.
My love is boundless, and I do my best to give a safe amount because I'm still learning what it means and I refuse to be careless with the hearts of others, for I know the pain of one rent asunder, torn for no less than the amusement of one I trusted.
Lessons of malfeasant and twisted affection must be unlearned and I know I'm better than the trauma I've suffered but the effort and struggle to become who I know I can be is the hardest thing I've ever done, and I've done terrible things in my darkest days, days when the end was neatly noted on calendars.
I'm not ready to put someone else through the pain of existence, because I know that there is peace and I will find it, she showed me how to be strong, now I will show her that I too can be.
Depression is a fickle and evil thing and it never truly goes away, like it's twin anxiety, it lurks waiting to latch onto your soul and drag you back down into it. But it's worth the fight every day is a little brighter if you remember that stormy days are natural and they will eventually blow by. There will be an end and the rainbow as the clouds break and the sun shines again is worth working for
Trevor Dowe Aug 2021
I'm not who I was
never have I been who I am
My love and admiration twist
I have no confidence
because I am cognitively dissonant
raised with values too extreme for humanity
not able to shake free of them
I've done terrible things, too few I regret
and even those still echo desire in the depths of me
but I'm not going to allow myself to wake in this darkness
not going to be complacent
pain follows change, but so too does joy
I'm not yet free, not yet me
I don't know if I can break free
but I do know
I'm not done yet
growing up in a strict religious household with puritanical extremes of what is acceptable behavior and zero tolerance for worldly desires has hurt me and my ability to be a person capable of love. I'm flawed and i am trying to find beauty in myself, but I don't know if I'm strong enough.
Trevor Dowe Feb 2021
summer afternoons
where the cicada screams were a deafening silence
heat and humidity, offset by shade and sprinklers
long days, warm nights
star gazing, cloud watching, day dreaming
nostalgia and retrospective bring me a peace and serenity
I once again long for
simplicity and carefree
summer afternoons
thunder rattles the walls as rain tap dances across the windows
puddles for splashing
nestled up reading, mornings come too soon
no worries with nigh limitless freedom
forts to build and pranks to play
laying on the porch swing listening to music
tide coming in tide going out
brackish water on the breeze
fiddler ***** scurry
lazy rabbits and cheerful birds
wonderful and longed for
summer afternoons
Trevor Dowe Apr 2020
I wish I didn't think about you,
In the middle of the night.
I wish I didn't care for you,
Like you don't care for me.
I wish there were different obstacles
Between you and I, that I may overcome.
I wish you hated me,
Because then I wouldn't get to see your smiles.
I wish you loved me,
But that's asking too much.
I wish I were a better person,
Who could be someone trustworthy.
I wish I didn't feel guilty,
But I deserve the anguish that accompanies it.
I wish.
I wish I could be the man you deserved,
But it's impossible.
I wish you cared about me,
Even when I know it's better that you don't.
I wish I could spoil you,
And tell you what you mean to me.
I wish you'd be open and receptive,
Though I know it is impractical.
I wish
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