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faint scents of woven hair
and gentle hands beneath the pillow
of spiced, soft lips
that bring the morning
to night soaked eyes
and as the stars disappear from these eyes
another comes to light
how much poetry is in a person?
and how much of it comes out?
enough to bring up the pimples in your personality?
the ugly bumps you can learn to hide
but can't stop people from feeling
when they touch you

how much poetry is in a person
and how much needs to come out
before i am better
how much before i get over this *******
that's calling my name

how much poetry is in a person
and how do i get rid of it
i either speak cynically
or with the malice
and blood
that seeps out of me

how much poetry is in a person
and is it ok to have it there
and when will these pimples go away
and when will i be
alright again

does the poetry have to be gone
for me to be ok?
This morning my green tea
It gave me an epiphany
That caffeine got to me
And man was I set free.
I am a grass.
Even if someone stepped on me,
Tried to crush my hopes,
Or wished to burn me in misery;
I just grow back
Even stronger
And greener.
There are people who will try to drag us down. There will be tough times in our life. But we must not let anything or anyone stop us from reaching our dreams. We must fight back. Get up immediately when we fall down. And show to the world how strong we had been :)
a lady lights a cigarette
glowing red cherry
lips, puffing without
a cigarette, burning
smoking, grey breathing
choking and
tap tap the
falling ashes

it is over with
a definitive flick —
a lady lights a cigarette
she can see her spirit
dancing in the smoke
 Nov 2014 Transparent Night
When I drive
beneath the city lights
I can't help but look up
and sigh.

The top floor
of the highest building-
so insignificant to everyone
but I.

The thrill we had
of sneaking in,
then climbing to the top-
so high.

Watching the traffic,
hearing the music,
and observing so many lives
go by.

One of my most memorable times
of growing up; understanding life,
but now it's just a memory that lives
the city lights.
 Nov 2014 Transparent Night
With all that keeps me alive
The world that changes
with every flickering light
in the city
I see only one
Until each light goes out
my soul aches in the city lights
bringing comfort and pain
until I go out
With each light
I will go out
you give your best.
you give all of your energy.
you started doing
you think you love.

you started chasing dreams.
then you start failing
then you were falling
then you were fainting.

you started smoking
you started drinking
then you were partying
you started doing
you think that makes you happy

there came a time when the taste of the alcohol
doesn't intoxicate happiness anymore
and nicotine in the lips
doesn't take you elsewhere anymore
Take a soft tipped brush
Dip, and trace my nakedness;
Viscous dripping rainbow streams
Clothe me here within our dreams.
Swirl my curves
With satin pink,
Let your brush flutter and sink
lower, purples, red and blue,
I'm a canvas here for you.
Paint me scarlet, paint me gold,
Paint some words
italic, bold
Stop when you begin to weep
A masterpiece, for us to keep.
An old one of mine, a favourite.
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