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 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
That was my smile.
A little uneven, a lot of perfect.
That was mine. And you gave it to her.
**You really ought to stop giving away my things.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Pain and frustration,
Anger and deprivation
The plagues of society grow

We create and covort
Deceive and abort
We will yet meet our unruly end
I want to feel your skin on mine
and our hands intertwined
I could lay with you forever
but I know you'd get bored.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
The Jolteon
Waking up
Stumbling through a dream
In someone else's head
Supermodel Dreamimg
(Changing it up, a little more adult then usual)

I was walking down the street
It was just the other day
Came across a Supermodel
Who stopped and asked my name

At first I was a little scared
Not knowing what to do
It's not every day a Supermodel
Stops and talks to you

I decided I would play it cool
Act like it's no big thing
I think I made the right choice
Because it drove that girl insane

The Supermodel followed me
She kept asking me to play
Started taking off all her clothes
I didn't know what to say

I just stood there in such disbelief
As she slowly came my way
That naked bodied Supermodel
Began to slowly kiss my face

Well I placed my hands around her
Felt the softness of her skin
I sure was ****** when I woke up
From that dream that I was in

So I layed there in my bed
Closed my eyes and it began
Used the supermodel of my dreams
To help me clear my head

The anger it was beaten back
Useing only my right hand
I felt it quickly disappear
And fall back to sleep again

(Oh my God yes I just went there with a poem and the world did

Carl Joseph Roberts
Come on now my poems cant all be lovely, teaching, meaning and reach out. Sometimes you just have to explore the edges and press where others think you wont go. For those who really know me they know I would go much further than this but im pretty mellow in my Hello Peotry works. So if this one offends you compared to my usual style then simply pass on it as a blip in time and a one off. Still I hope as poets you see that there are many different subjects to discuss and in reality this really is not that controversial compared to so many other poets on here.  Anyway I hope you enjoyed the read.
**** you.
My life was on a treadmill-
Simple steps and common sense.
Then you stopped by
And dared me to
          Jump off

This roller coaster we rode
Whizzed by all who watched.
Not certain of what they saw,
They smiled-
And marched on to the next
          Big thing

Chains and gravity take this adventure
To new speeds and bigger heights
But we both know-
The end is coming
And it's coming fast so
          Hold on

Soon I'll get back on the treadmill
And you to the Ferris wheel.
And back to the groove
Of organized chaos.
And looking back, I'll only think
          Of you

I'll think of adventures
Of maybe finally getting what I want;
Of sunshine and late nights,
Of what is and what could be
And say to it all
          **** you
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
For hell,
Oh life is swell,
ain't it?
piece of art, tainted.
Convos with Satan,
Can you feel the cadence?.

Can you smell the melody?
Can you touch the tunes?
Can you taste the frequency, grab you some silver spoons.
Grab you a piece of advice, from the man on the moon.
Falling under the depths, ill have to handle it soon,.

Convos with Lucifer,
Lord of the Flies..
How'd he get my number?
probably family ties..
probably hearing the cries,
probably feeling surprised,
The light within me, forever will shine.

But for tonight,
i converse with The Anti-Christ..
Actually giving me some mad advice.

he said,
"I advise you, don't you ever find bliss..
If one day you do, you'll forever be ******.
Instead, stay in this chaos and revel,
Truthfully your bliss might become your hell."

How can you ask for sunshine if its always sunny?
How can you laugh at something if its always funny?
suddenly i realized the ******* was right.
Only if hell bound, do you realize that heavens in sight.

 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Midnight on I 80
passing by Truckee
heading East
towards the lights of old Reno.
The snow starts blowing
around Floristan,
Sierra Nevada
following me
all the way down.
I'm looking for a big truck
get behind.

Riding on the crying road
Sunday night.

if I am creating
gratitude or regrets
my future self's past.

What am I doing?

I left you on a January night
chasing love
in a blue moon light.
Stuck between desire
staying home.
I don't know what's true
what's true with me
what's true with you.

I'm stuck behind this wheel
snowy anxiety
ringing on through,
what am I doing?
what are you doing?

gratitude or regrets
your future self.
Will the adjustment bureau
come on through?
I like you
make it all up as I go along
with the window steaming up,
Art Bell on the radio
Coast to Coast
the sounds of ghosts.

Will I hate myself
being my self
look back with eyes
sparkling with gratitude
the wonder of who I was
I doubt it,
don't you?

Now as I write this poem
with my life
together and asunder
will I look
back with gratitude
or regret?

As I hit Fourth Street
the clouds have parted
stars are shining through,
I'm no longer crying
the crying road is done.
I still do not know what I have begun.
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