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Timothy May 2020
It’s not my place
To dictate where this companionship goes,
It’s not my place
To cut short something before it even grows,
It’s not my place
To assume the thoughts that are inside of you,
It’s not my place
To assume the role of thinking for two.
Give it a shot
Timothy Apr 2020
My breath is my anchor
I return there for peace
Uninvited emotions
Yet together they meet
A chest wide disruption
An intensifying beat
Until a grateful exhale
Kicks them out on the street
Take a moment
Timothy Apr 2020
The power of counsel  
One not to be abused
A beautiful agreement
Yet not to be confused
With a heartfelt connection
That vulnerable synergy
Helping you is my addiction
But in the end, whats left?
Just me.
Advice is powerful
Timothy Apr 2020
To some you’re the sign of a tiresome commute
To some you don’t even exist
To me you rise and fill me with wonder
Until tomorrow, you will be missed
Good morning
Timothy Apr 2020
Breathing heavily with my head to the ground
Sharp inhales, almost gasps were the sounds

Bargaining with my strength for a moderation in pace
The cloud steps aside I welcome the sun to my face

For now it is time, my second wind has begun
A glimmer of hope, for it is only a run
  Apr 2020 Timothy
vanessa marie
I can still see your brown eyes staring
Hunting me down, hungry
I shy away, a thin veil of modesty
Protecting me from the truth
But I can’t hide for long
The real shield has always been my youth.

Naivety has always been a privilege
One that was not wasted on adolescents
Until teenager became synonymous with antidepressants
And now your brown eyes shift
Tracing my outline
I guess he’s too focused on my hemline
I’m not even old enough to drink wine.

Maybe he doesn’t care
Nothing wrong with taking a look
No consent involved in a quick glance
No one would believe a kid anyway
I have no experience in romance
No proof he even made an advance.

I’m just a silly little girl
Too young to be taken seriously
And yet somehow not too young
To be drooled over by a man’s tongue.
Timothy Apr 2020
feel free to peruse in the pasts of your mind
yet take note of the thoughts where you're spending your time
see the beauty in turmoil but try not to dwell
to indulge in your demons is a highway to hell
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