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 Nov 2018 ThinkThereforeYam
I'm a lavender,
wild and vibrant.
I am the fragrance
that fills your lungs,
with every breath you intake.
I'm beauty in chaos.
I am a soothing lullaby.

But you prefer roses,
Soft and red,
petals that you could let
your fingers linger.
With lust and desire,
no trust;
a love that is a blazing fire.
i can love you better than her.
You away but l feel your gaze
All my dreams are hunted by your embrace
Tried to run away
But ended up trapped in your arms

Your smile keeps me warm
Out conversation give me hope
I'm broken but I'm not bleeding
Although I'm alone now, with your memories will never be lonely

Forever is a long time
But l thought l would have you for a lifetime
I can't turn back the hands of time
Just to see you one more time

It's hard to be focused
When my only inspiration vanished
But l will keep you on a sacred place, my heart
Until time brings you in sight
Couldn't find a title
I told him to let go
Of his mistakes and he
Now I'm wondering if l were a mistake
Why did l encourage him
As l reminisce on the past days
All l can say is thank you God
Had so many downs but still got up
Not by might not by power
Better is the ending than beginning of the matter. It's been a long  hard year but behold everything had passed away. After all joy cometh in the morning
I thought l would use their judgements
As inspiration
But it's not enough motivation
Maybe l grow with being judged
You're complicated
as Algebra equation
for a law student
Sometime the best nights sleep comes

           When you spend the day being





— The End —