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 Mar 2015 Jess
Alysia Michelle
i can see past your serpent smile
deeply embedded in you is poison
and there will be no venomous victory here
i will not be your charmer
or your prey
the colors of your skin briefly baffled me
i thought i saw beauty
but i remembered the warnings once uttered to me
i am an animal of curiosity
but i unlike the cat
won't let it **** me
 Mar 2015 Jess
Arlo Disarray
I was built without a brain, and simply designed to scare
I'm not here to build on love and I can't make myself care

Maybe I don't have a heart, perhaps the tin man's a thief
I'm not sure what I can do
To obtain some sweet relief

I'm too scared to work on things, cowardly like that large cat
And when I meet the wizard here, I can ask him to fix that

But I'd also like to ask him if he could send me home
I have way too many wishes, and I'm feeling rather thrown
 Mar 2015 Jess
Arlo Disarray
You're sparkly and light like a soda pop
But you fill my head with a fuzz
When I drink you, I never want to stop
I just want to keep building my buzz

And at times, I cheat on you with whiskey
Sometimes *****, tequila, or ***
But I know when I'm gone that you miss me
And I'm sorry for for being so dumb

You're perfect for burgers or pizza
And sometimes, you're great on your own
But when I drink, I usually don't eat much
I'd rather get full on the foam

Dear Beer, you are such an old, dear friend
I've known you and loved you so long
You're always there for me to depend
Thank you sweet beer, and my ****
 Nov 2014 Jess
V Anna
Please don't
 Nov 2014 Jess
V Anna
Why are
you still
in my head!?
Go away!

Please don't.
I wanna erase you but i can't
 Nov 2014 Jess
V Anna
Mr Stranger
 Nov 2014 Jess
V Anna
Who are you?
You came when I was in pieces
Shattered, but you pick it up 
Piece by piece you fixed me
It's not complete, but I can finally breathe

Who are you?
Making me smile 
Without me telling you
You knew I'm trying to forget him
But why are you still trying?

Who are you?
Despite shutting you out
You keep asking how my day was
Didn't I hurt you enough?
You must never see my flaws

Who are you?
Mr Stranger who are you?
I'm slowly getting up again
And I'm scared to fall again

But please Mr Stranger
Please, Please don't leave.
You came unexpectedly...
And now I don't want you to leave...
 Nov 2014 Jess
Joseph Schneider
It's in his shadow we plead
Under his wrath we bleed
His destruction leaks hate into the weak
Leaving the unsubstantial reaping his critique
His actions scorned through years of neglect
It's in his perception only, that we become wrecked
Why do we follow knowing wrong from right
Pushing those we love away from the light
His power is without doubt equal to the greats
Although derived from stray minded it opens the gates
The gates into the souls of those who are tattered
Turning old memories to ones now shattered
Although through it all, we have nothing to fear
For he is nothing more than a broken mirror
It just takes practice to realize his weakness
All his power is nothing to the strong but bleakness
It's in his own prison he will rot
Although it's up to us to become the Juggernaut

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
 Oct 2014 Jess
Sarahgrace Abbott
Can you love me, just for tonight?
Hold me close, squeeze me tight. Oh

Lets pretend I'm nothing like those other girls, lets pretend I matter  in your world. Oh

All your secrets are safe with me. I see much deeper than what others see, in you.

Would it make a difference if I wrote you a song? How did I get so used to being so wrong, with you.

knowing you is not easy.
All you scars deepened within me.
ill be right here if you need a friend.
I'll be here, until the end..for you.

Can you love me, just for tonight?
Can you love me just for tonight?
For you original song by me
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