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The path unfollowed follows my mind,
The path unfollowed mocks me blind,
And entrenches deeply in my wound,
Now in the path of the wild I must swoon,
To reclaim my sight.
A.I. Poet pounding at keys,
a lifetime of memories in
Chat GPT.

Punch up a sunset hues of
crimson and gold,

Throw in some birds,
Hit generate,
watch it unfold.

Selecting a font,
I couldn't
hazard a guess,

I'll just select an emotion
let A.I. do the rest.

Funny, this Insta-poetry is starting
to all sound the same,

Can't get any views,
I'm going insane.

Gotta find some new prompts
to up my game.

This Stupid AI ****,
is getting pretty lame!
Hey Roger this ones for You let me know what you think.

Just posted a video for this on my you tube channel
hope you all will check it out.
Love will write poems,
Long cold fall, poet days.
Remember publisher?
Find things, turn music,
Work years, empty morning, keep winter Christmas light(s).
Poets' song told,
Tonight, bed black walk(s) poetry.
Sea winds missing,
Men hurt, dark hold, coming hand(s).
Someday stopped walking, "Friends mind Mexico,"
Listen, staring, wonder, wait.
Silent waves, "Guess sad friend," asked Boy,
"Sand Lake."
"Save ocean sing?"
"Sing, slip, wishing diamonds shine! Silver Green tells, "Care   forever, pretty face."
Alas wind fingers,
Salty message!
Memories spite,
"Learn, Angel, young children fade."

Single sentences happen.
A new story, made of words I already said.
It'is awful-e clere,
Righting just write.
En a langauge like t-his,
Culd bee, quiet confuseing.
A difficult way to know beauty, is to learn a language.
Good Evening, Mr. USA,
                  Awful fine day today, wasn't it? Living up in the great nation of those stars,
And those swagger stripes! I'm happy in the morning, waking up to jazz music. In a place where I'm beaten-down,
    Trodden in awful ways. But here I am, in the God blessed United States! I've been here, seen this, but still I'm dazzled. By freedom,
Knowing I have a place. In the great United States! There's only one place in the world, where you can find your dreams out on the streets.
    They used to say, "The streets are paved in gold!" It's hard to doubt, looking at the way the sidewalk shines in the sun. Don't change a thing Mr. USA, things are just great.

                                  From, MON.
Here's a toast to Mr. Nathaniels, the one who was always there when we needed him most. The greatest thing we could ever think.
How many,
Many more parties.
Before the floor gives out,
From underneath my feet.
How many more suits,
And conversation pieces.
Before the weight of the jewels,
Drags me under earth.
I'm sick of waltzing,
My feet are tired.
Bring me back home,
I don't want to be here anymore.
Happy Sunday everybody! Hope it's a great one. :)
You- you,
Gotta open UP,
you're eyes.
Thiz iz zo,
Disturbin g.
Don't tie your self worth to another person, it gets bad fast.
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