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  Nov 2014 TheBrokenSoldier
I wrote your name
In the sand
And the wave washed it away

I formed your name
With the fallen leaves
But the wind blew them away

I carved your name
In my skin
Hoping my tears could wipe them away

But instead,
It killed me *twice
How could I love a person like that?
Ugly and fat.

Misshapen and all wrong,
So weak.
Their problems drag on.
Foolish and gullible.
Naive and selfish.

I person so uncaring,
with words so harsh.
Dramatic and foolish.
I know I should try,
But it becomes harder and harder...

How could I love a person like me?...
Not my best. But I can't think of words that truly describe how I see myself....
TheBrokenSoldier Nov 2014
What The ****
I'm So Bored.
And so ******* Lonely
Missing my Murphette after a long weekend with her. . . .
  Oct 2014 TheBrokenSoldier
Everytime I feel okay about you,
you make your way back to me.
You left.
You left.
So why do you keep coming back,
only long enough to set me off balance?
My two A.M.,
my puppy, my Friday,
my love, my peace,
my everything.
My Best.
You built me up to let me down,
so must you return?
Must you kick me on the ground?
I miss you.
I love you.
I need you.
But stop coming around
and letting me hope
that this time you might
Again, you looked so good. Why am I no longer important?
I love you, and you say you love me... what game are you playing?
  Oct 2014 TheBrokenSoldier
Faking "I'm okay"
Almost hurts
And definitely makes
Me worse
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