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Dec 2024 · 60
I’m in the void
Tekan Dec 2024
I don’t want to run , I don’t want to hide
I wanna be here - don’t care if I’m there
I wanna accept - I wanna let go
I don’t want the answers
I don’t mind the questions
I’m  where I am meant to be
In the void
And that’s ok with me
Learning to accept
Dec 2024 · 257
I love
Tekan Dec 2024
I love people
And the fact that we make mistakes
I love that we forgive
And I love that we don’t
I love that we can learn from each other
And hurt from each other
I love how we so alone
All Together
My hurt hearts - that’s how I know I’m alive
Nov 2024 · 148
Everything love
Tekan Nov 2024
Little love
Lotta love
All the love you need
That’s me
Going through some stuff
Nov 2024 · 168
Forever and a day
Tekan Nov 2024
You feel so far away
With nothing left to say
Forever and a day
Apr 2023 · 141
It’s time for some change
Tekan Apr 2023
Pick ,pick, pick myself
Infiltrating inflammation infection  
Scratching at the surface
Obsession fills the void
Until reality hits once more.

Mustard coloured eyes
staring straight into my lies  
Masked with a cheap disguise it’s
Time to face the humiliation

Meet with judgment and disappointment
I forcefully push through the hours of my life …

I’m setting free of this chain
Giving into my pain
And I don’t care what you say!
I’m no longer afraid -
This is the ONLY way

Because through my darkness I am enlightened

Befriending my shadows
I meet myself again
It’s time for some change
Jan 2023 · 156
Tekan Jan 2023
I break myself
Into tiny peices
On the floor
Left to the dust once more

I cut myself
Till blades are blunt
I feel pain no more

****** and raw
You can’t hurt me anymore
Sep 2022 · 121
Tekan Sep 2022
I felt the earth crack beneath my feet
and I assumed the world was about to reach defeat.

But to my surprise ,
the ground began to raise and out popped a hep of soil with a seedling that began to uncoil.

Beneath the souls of my feet , new life was to upheat and as my toes begin to touch the floor I feel grounded once more.

Till I hear a crack in the clouds
And the loudest of sounds. The sky began to fall and I assumed it was the end for us all.

But to my surprise
My fear slowly dies
as the smell of fresh air soars
throw the earths opened pores
as the scent is absorbed
My body is restored
The unknown can be scary and beautiful
Jul 2022 · 187
Tekan Jul 2022
Seeds scattered to root
Abundantly flowering
Overgrown gardens
Jul 2022 · 870
South African Haiku
Tekan Jul 2022
The King Protea
Proudly crowned by its petals
Blooms in the wildfire
Proud to be South African
The king Protea is our national flower
Jul 2022 · 130
Tekan Jul 2022
bla, bla, blas;
on repeat in my mind.
Not a word I can find,
completely tongue-tied:
bla, bla, blas;
on repeat in my mind.
Jul 2022 · 276
Just like that
Tekan Jul 2022
I watched my universe expand
as my third eye opened
all from a simple realisation
Aug 2021 · 148
born to die
Tekan Aug 2021
nothing left to give
i ate all the bread crumps
no trace left of who i thought i was
time creeping in on me
arms wide open
im not afraid
im nothing
soul ******
jest a shell remains
is that why you haven’t come?
Nov 2020 · 172
Tekan Nov 2020
I’m sorry I turned my back on you, pretending I was asleep and never knew.

But the truth is :
On that night ,I wasn’t actually asleep
and I turned over to take a sneak peak.

You were on your knees reaching out for the phone
but a sudden wave of hatred came and crushed your every bone
Blood splattered on the wall and I watched you fall

But I couldn’t take it anymore
so I shut my eyes and forgot all.
A flash back accrued and  this is my therapy
May 2020 · 123
My Silence
Tekan May 2020
Thoughts flow deep in still waters.
This just sounds so familiar is it an original piece of word alignment  or has this been said before?
Dec 2019 · 235
Repeat on rewind
Tekan Dec 2019
bla, bla, blas
on repeat in my mind.
Not a word I can find ,
completly tongue tide,
bla, bla, blas
on repeat in my mind.
Not a word I can find ,
completly tongue tide,
bla, bla, blas
on repeat in my mind.
Not a word I can find ,
completly tongue tide,
bla, bla, blas
on repeat in my mind
Nov 2019 · 357
Some Sudden Sense
Tekan Nov 2019
With a blink of an eye, realization hit
And I watched as my universe began to bloom
Oct 2019 · 153
Surrender your love
Tekan Oct 2019
It started with a soft smooch
but I lost control of my hands and they began running circles around your body.
I could tell you didn't mind as our tounges tie and our toes entwine: Griping, pushing, pulling our bodies begin to bind.
and our souls collide.
Oct 2019 · 333
Soulful Suicide
Tekan Oct 2019
She lay there, silently, in the stillness of her bathtub.
Slightly smiling as her in-sides heat up
While the water wraps it self tightly around her body.

She lay there, silently, in the stillness of her bathtub.
Deeply inhaling the oasis of tranquility, then
Slowly exhaling into complete serenity.

She lay there, silently, in the stillness of her bathtub.
and with one last sigh, she softly says goodbye.
Then suddenly
She sinks into suicide.
Aug 2019 · 197
Wrong Turn
Tekan Aug 2019
Tip toeing through twisted trails,
Suddenly slipping,
Spiriling slowly
Towards terror,
Feeling flustered from fear
Adrenaline awakes
and all
Emotions escape.
Instintly, igniting instincts
But blackouts being
Disturbingly dark dreams
To the table.

Taking turns to
Relentlessly rip reality,
Rapidly reproducing
Unwanted unknowns - until
Everything explodes!
Feb 2019 · 378
Tekan Feb 2019
I used to walk proud and tall

I used to stand for something

But now all I do is fall

To where there is nothing
Finding myself in a constant crawl,
Only feeling lifes sting
I prepare for deaths call.
But still there's no ring,

Nothing at all...

Motivation is breaking
As every gear up, ends in a stall
Every part of me aching
As I hit my brick wall

I'm searching for an awakining.

Please help me recall!

Because I can't keep faking -
My Life is taking a fall.
Jan 2019 · 337
Emma - Jayn Castle
Tekan Jan 2019
Her daisy soul blossoms open to the smell of the fresh dawn,
her white silky petals begin to streach out in all directions as she begins her day.
Wide eyed and awake
she reveals her bright yellow center
filled with sweet pollen.

Spending her days ******* in the sun,
She allows the energy to rhythmically vibrate all around her
and as the wind tries to blow her down,
She sways in its way.
Creating soft breezes out of  howling waves.
standing tall on her delicate thin steam,
she proudly parades with the living.
Happily accepting her place on earth,
she digs her roots deep within.
Allowing nature to flow through her vains,
Infinitely creating life,
with the mere existence of her daisy soul.
My best friend
Jan 2019 · 751
My klein Ouma
Tekan Jan 2019
My klein Ouma
smeer haar liefde
soos botter

Sy smeer van kant tot kant
en gee liefde orals,
wat langsaam versmelt in die deug
van haar sagte brood

My klein Ouma se liefde
vul al die gate in die warm brood

“Niks is beter as brood nie”
Is wat Ouma altyd se

En tog, is sy verbasend klein …
Sy eet net die krummels
en gee vir ander
haar gebotterde brood
so gesond
so lekker

My klein Ouma
Vol liefde gesmeer
An Afrikaans poem written for my gran
Jan 2019 · 349
Gathering of the Night
Tekan Jan 2019
Strangers that reunite
In a dark, smokey room
Held in by vibrating walls of delight
No rules, no restraints
No wrongs no rights

Covering one nostril
I inhale snowy white
Excitement kicks in the back of my throat
Leaving my speech tight

No need for words
No need for fights

Passing along the peace pipe
We all breathe in the night

And as high as a kite
We take off, into flight
A heaving dance floor
Getting ready to ignite

All tuned in
To Friday night
Jan 2019 · 644
Some insight
Tekan Jan 2019
Leaving me wanting more
I reminisce your first sight
Not a single flaw
Everything just right

As you move on the dance floor
In the evening light
Four by four
Beats with a bite

I feel your energy roar
With all its might
I wanna see what els is in store
So I pop you an invite

"meet me at the door
I'm the lady in white

if you wanting your soul to soar
and ignite

Love youre
Jan 2019 · 438
Oh ,what a bore
Tekan Jan 2019
Doing what must be done just doesn't seem fun
As if there is nothing left to adore,
life seems like a bore.
Tekan Jan 2019
Being able to race through the maze
that makes up the human mind
Getting deeply entwined
slowly getting ****** in by the itnrest we find
The constant turnover
of topics you bring to our mind.

Helping me lose grip of reality
I start to feed the power of immortality
As the idea of time vanishes from my mind.

Creating some sort of cosmic vibration
that send shivers down my spine

I'm so lucky to call you mine.

You the definition of fine
Meaning, "of very high quality"
As stated in the dictionary of our time.

But, not everything can be defined
Somethings are simply indiscribable,
like the beauty you help people find
In all the cracks of their broken minds.
Helping us understand
The perfectness of imperfections.

You bring the sunshine in the day
and refelt on the moon at night
Forever spreading your light.

An inspiration to humanity
that you bring so naturally
Showing, some kind of meaning to life
Proving, that even a nihilist
can give meaning to life.

Leading by example
You break through the boundaries
of the impossiblities
That we so easily create in our heads.
Slowly giving life to a new generation.

So trust me when I say this
-because it's not just me-
That can forse
The legacy
You were born to be
Written for my lover
A peice inspired by his translation through his music
Jan 2019 · 277
Tekan Jan 2019
You spent hours getting lost in her eyes
Till eventually you found the soul that lay deep inside
But now knowing the path to her golden prize
You no longer spent hours getting lost in her eyes
Jan 2019 · 836
Soulful Eyes
Tekan Jan 2019
How simple am I.
Ten toes and two eyes.
No different am I.
Just a regular I.

Million like I ,just float on by.
Flowing in strong currents ,no escaping the I.

We see so little ,when we rushing in lines    Creating barriers between ,all the you's
And I's.

All of us ,due to reach the finish line.
Without a warning ,without a sign.

Yet... United we still push down the I.
With corruption and in spite

A soul stored within every individuals eyes:
Pain, grief and lies ,are seen by all eyes.

Yet... United we keep dividing ,each other's lives.
Kicking dust in our eyes ,while we run to the finish line.

So I ask, simply:
Do we constantly single out the I?

Can't you see!

Can be built up with I's ,You's and Me's!

So please;
Can we try to see within each other's eyes
and realize the lives in all soulful eyes.

— The End —