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 Oct 2017 Eunoia
 Oct 2017 Eunoia
she was a child
and she got sick
she lost all of her hair
the crown to her head

years later
she rips off her wig
and dances to the world
the inspiration was a friend. she's bald, after getting cancer when she was young, yet she shows off her head without any embarrassment, and is an incredible dancer. if she can do it, why can't we reveal our true selves to the
world too? she' an inspiration~
 Oct 2017 Eunoia
I cut my wrist to watch it bleed
I'm still hurt, you up and left me.
You were all I wanted still all I need
So late at night when i cant sleep
I stay awake living a constant nightmare
Because its dark and cold when your not there
I just miss you
I just wanna kiss you
Not because I want to
But because I need you.
 Oct 2017 Eunoia
Lilly frost
 Oct 2017 Eunoia
Lilly frost
If only things were as easy as 1,2,3
Like elementary
Arithmetic and spelling
Simple science
Gym was always stunning
Recess was revered
The swings were sacred
Writing on the jungle gym
Running off with friends to play
Being enchanted by the smell of coffee and trees
Magic every second you breathe
Simply because you were somewhere you weren't supposed to be
Close your eyes
Now what do you see?
Dots of color?
Phantoms of light?
Remember when you saw dragons
Whole worlds enchanting
When you walked people said it seemed like you were dancing
Remember when you were happy?
There was no worry about what to do
What are you going to be?
You had your whole life
Figure out what to do
Well what now?
What's your plan?
Too bad
Too late
It's not elementary
None of your dreams can come true
You're completely *******
 Sep 2017 Eunoia
I tend to love
broken things.
And sometimes, I get broken
by the things I love.
 Sep 2017 Eunoia
Amanda Shelton
Can you feel the change?
Can you see the ripples
rushing like buckets of rain?

We are a growing raise,
reaching for the stars,
casting ourselves across
the vastness of space.

We are dying to see,
to find life
beyond the oceans
and seas.

We yearn for truth
yet we lie to ourselves.

We are blinded by our want's,
by our need for more.

We are a spoiled raise,
running at a slower pace.

We need to open our eyes
and start to pray,
that Jesus is on his way.

**© 2017 By Amanda Shelton
 Aug 2017 Eunoia
You left me tainted
With pain and tears
So i tried to bleach
To remove every stain
I scrubbed so hard
But i got wounded
So i bleed again
And starts to hurt again
The stains are now scars
And now i will be forever reminded
Of how i tried to remove you
Yet i got marked instead
This is inspired by my shirt with stains. I tried to bleach it then washed again again, i rubbed and rubbed until the shirt was torn! Lesson learned! Haha
 Aug 2017 Eunoia
Moonlight Bliss
it's been months
but my heart is still yours
every single day
i long for your presence
every night
my mind wonders,

do you still think of me?
do you still have feelings for me?
are you seeing another woman now?
are you happy with her?

these thoughts are killing me
but no matter what i do
my heart still choose you.
 Aug 2017 Eunoia
She is
 Aug 2017 Eunoia
She is
A woman who doesn't believe in I-love-yous
In chocolates, necklaces and rose hues
She is
A woman who will only believe in you.
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