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 Apr 2016 TW
Dave Raubenstine
The storm rages on inside,
Battling the demons in my mind,
My heart is torn in pieces,
From the life I’ve left behind.

I want to begin to heal,
To find my way back to the start,
To learn to live life once more,
Feel the joy of love in my heart.

I reach for the hand of God,
Begging for mercy on my soul,
Please save me from myself, Lord,
Give me guidance, make me whole.

What is the truth, the answer?
Is it hidden deep within?
Am I blinded by ignorance?
Is this my mortal sin?

Why is my heart cold, lonely?
Have I grown dead  inside?
Why has love abandoned me?
Left to perish by the road side.

Why does the pain I feel,
******* my body so,
Paralyzing my being,
Keeping me from letting go.

 Apr 2016 TW
Sara Jones
Never have I ever been kissed by death.
Time to take a shot
Because my biggest adventure
Is when I flirt with my untimely demise.
 Apr 2016 TW
I stay watching
 Apr 2016 TW
I stay watching as he takes you out
Walking out the door to the new world
A world where I'm not with you anymore
A world where you're now with him

I stay watching as he holds you tight
I stay watching as he kisses you right
Right where I used to do it
And said you loved it

I stay watching,
It's breaking my heart
I miss you,
I need you.
I'm afraid of this
 Apr 2016 TW
lend me a home,
or just a shoulder to lean on

is more than enough;
those two things
i can't do by myself,

no matter how badly
i try to believe:

for the heart is in my chest,
i am my own home;

for i already have two shoulders,
i won't be needing another.

but my head is too heavy
because of these sour clouds, my neck
might accidentally break.
 Apr 2016 TW
You Found Me
 Apr 2016 TW
You think someone had to find you
Wrapped tight in your fear and worry
You were waiting on someone to find you
When you found me
I wasn't looking
Only at ends and oblivion
But you came out from your pain
When you found me
And all the love you gave me
Was the only thing to save me
You feel like someone had to find you
When you found me

I'll be forever grateful
And I know you will be too
Because when you found me
I found you
 Apr 2016 TW
avery james
in the covers of the night i still
miss you and the memories we
made like a reflex muscle
i still miss the times we
were happy and we were full of love.
but nostalgia is a liar
and now you're sleeping
with a guy you just met
to the songs we said were ours.
i am growing from this like
a beautiful blossoming tree.
 Apr 2016 TW
Sayeed Abubakar
My kids ask me, 'O dad,
why don't we have home?
Why do we, like gypsies,
from place to place roam?

See, birds fly; before night
they come back in nest;
Only we have no home
on earth to take rest.'

How do I tell my kids:
one day I too had
a country; when I remember
it, I feel so sad!

How do I tell them: the
rich robbers of earth,
like dragons, have swallowed
the place of my birth?

They come in the name of
democracy; so
we salute them, because
to democracy, who can say ‘No'?
It's a poem on the refugees
 Apr 2016 TW
Third Eye Candy
I know
how you work
even as you keep it to yourself.
I have no fantasies
only a train of well thought
and pure reality.
Much unlike your feverish  
doubts, regarding my sincerity
I have never kept another
at my backdoor
to retrieve when you lost your ****
to numb the gap between Us
all the more,
I certainly lied about my ghosts
but haunted as I am
You are haunted

And I  have nothing
more to claim
As a man in love
with you
but not even a You, at your best.
but, the You I found
failing to

Your self preservation
is remarkable, regardless !
It tells you it's ok to make
me gone,
And fall back to an undone lover
to patch your groin from
a hollow patch.

However less good he may have  been
all is forgiven
but no forgiveness  for me....
you exalt him, after i have truly
bent my world
to serve you...
and your offspring.

even though
I chose to abandon
my nature for your sake
He lays claim
to your bed and plush thighs
because it suits you
to have him -
and now he
mounts you, now and again
because he's the devil
you know

even though
he vanished
when it really
like summer

but i was there,

with my problems
that your
had a problem

and i don't have a car
for a ****.
just a heart
to trick.
 Apr 2016 TW
Toby Lucas
They say that love is blind.
Evidently it also has no sense of smell.
And come to think of it,
Love has poor taste as well.
Summer 2015
 Apr 2016 TW
 Apr 2016 TW
It's not just music, it's a vibe
And when that bass drops, we come alive
With the synth and the snare
We are all transported there
Our minds are in the DJ's hands
Our bodies are slave to his beats demands
This is our one true escape
And it's entwined with his soul into a mixtape.
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