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Theodore Tooth
Refused to let loose
Like he was supposed to
Being long in the tooth

Although a part of the crowd
He would not go that route
Brushing often, up and down
Flossing himself where it counts

Staying ahead of the game
Sadly, his friends did not do the same
Ask him and he'd often say
What a doggone rotten shame

As they one by one fell out
Far too many now to count
Gone from the North, East, West and South
His friends no longer hang around

To tell you the honest truth
What is there for a lone tooth to do
But to change his name into
That of Snaggletooth
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                           God in the Hands of Angry Sinners

                            As Jonathan Edwards did not say

How do they find so much hatred in their Book?

Why do they bind their scriptures and themselves
In anger, duct tape, and camouflage
Why do they raise high the AR and their fists
Instead of salvation and the Holy Cross?

Where do they find so much hatred in their Book?

Why have they abandoned the altars of Truth
For the flagpole idolatry of the pagan state
In coven-circles facing each other and a pole
Like Canaanites and their wooden Asherim?

Why do they find so much hatred in their Book?

If they would look beyond their perimeter wire
They would see
                                A Maiden dancing
                                                                     In Galilee
By the way
if your world is unstable
and you can’t afford to wait.
My heart goes out to those who meet the bottom of their fate.
I can’t pretend to understand the nature of such Folly!
But I’m sure somewhere demonic energy has got its fill of jolly’s..
Myself, I often wonder what will happen next.
This world has lost its cohesion and the spirits can barely connect.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Your sun has set,
And my butterflies flew away
But even under your moon,
I'm drawn to you like a moth to a flame
Your flame so bright,
With a purplish hue,
I'll try every night,
To get closer to you
Thank god for the statute of limitations.
I now, "get it".
I coulda been in trouble.
Now, I have maintained my anonymity for just so long.
I write.......
You are......
NOTE - DESPARTIES (he's french)
you left
and suddenly i realised
why we started naming storms
after people.
- i wonder if the scent of thunder meeting earth haunts your memories.
First I had urinary tract infection,
I was on antibiotics but did not complete the course,
As it was Ramadhan,
Just after eid I got severe blood infection,
With that came hallucinations
Lol!I could have made a full two hour action *** crime movie with those.
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