Running timelessly backwards Hoping to find the love that I lost
The feeling alludes all memory
With frozen tears I paid the cost
An avelanche of cold emotions
Even my memories replaced by frost.
Still frantically searching
I'm getting lost in my lifeless soul
It has given up breathing
My lungs craving your essence
It's evading all meaning
Am I dead inside
Lost without feeling
Just look how you left me
Broken and reeling
I'm praying for sunny days
My prayers are voiceless
Clouded and soaked in rain
all I breathe is this pain
Every rain drop I hear
Is slowly calling your name
I'm slowly going insane
Grabbing at elusive thoughts
This story I wish to rename
Called happy forever
Instead of his hearts blind and in darkness chained.
When loneliness is your only friend
Negativity your only thoughts
Against the darkness you cannot defend.
So you let go, take the only road you know
Lose yourself in these words
Hoping from it your light will regrow.