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Jun 2022 · 142
Sohini Jun 2022
When nowhere to go,
But somewhere to be !
My heart seeks for you,
As a bird searches its tree !

Around you I could be me,
As you felt like my home!
You made me a wanderer,
With the courage to roam !

All the pain,
That my heart holds!
Suddenly diminishes,
As your love for me, unfolds!

As I walk with you,
And stand by your side!
I promise to be your half,
Through the storm and the tide!

Shine like a star,
For my vulnerable sky!
As I show you,
How my love gets you high !

Together then we will see,
What feels like a FOREVER!
As you tight my hand,
And I leave you, NEVER
Sohini Sep 2020
Two good, close
Separated by the
Existence of humans.
For they are
Misunderstood by
The species
They originally
Existed for.

Called themselves
Tried extensively to
Establish their individualism,
Yet holding hands to
Become mutually inclusive.

For they were
Lines drawn, fades.
Misunderstood by
Mutually inclusivity
As one.

Silly of the two friends,
Had no idea
Humans have failed
Humans for
The longest imaginable
For they were
Just mere Intangible,
Failing them is
And will remain
An easy possibility.
The confusion between Objectivity and Subjectivity and the fading lines between the two and the confused humans about how to separate the two, made me think and that's how I created this piece.
Jul 2020 · 164
Sohini Jul 2020
My eyes are fitted
With demons
Crawling creepily around
Trying to grab my body
And crawl up
To reach my brain.
To soak inside
And construct a palace
Of their own
A corridor to stroll
With generations
Playing football
And basketball.

My mind's developing
A hostile palace
For  generations of demons
To reside and play
And grow and destroy.
My mind's a home
To the creepy generation
As if they are not the branches
But the roots
Of my intellectual capacity.
Jun 2020 · 371
Sohini Jun 2020
She was a nightmare
To the lives of Normals,
Normals who were cruel
Normals who were abnormal.
They could feel her
But never sense her.

She was a mystery
To the members of the living,
Living like scared cats
Living like the Dead.
They thought she was
An imagination,
But she was a phoenix
Who rose above the living.

She was a Goddess
To the suffered,
Suffered who were kept silent
Suffered who were suppressed.
They thought she fought for herself,
But she fought for them
Against the Normals,
The Livings,
And the Evils.
Jun 2020 · 293
Love for the Westernized
Sohini Jun 2020
Ashamed as I was
For where I was born

Ashamed as I was
For where I belonged
Because everything here
Was just so dark
That the Ray of hope
Never meet our faces.

Ashamed as I was
For everything here
Because everything
Far off is meant to be gold.
Traditional is to be ashamed off.
Westernise is to be proud off
Because after all
Everything that glitters from outside
Has to contain a diamond inside
May 2020 · 248
Her Wild Heart
Sohini May 2020
The sun and the clouds
meet overhead,
Where they found her
wild dreamy heart.
And her curious eyes
softly painting
Sceneries of fluffy
Cotton clouds.

She writes romantic stories;
illustrating the love
Blooming between
the delicate dancing lovebirds,
where love is all that matters.

Within herself
she is a wildflower
searching for freedom
to  rush into the wild.

Her wild dreamy heart
Searches for wondrous stories
Where love and war
Lives together.

She has found in the
summer eve's graceful song
The long lost wild freedom.
She is eager to tell the world
her profound love story
set against beautiful
summer's evening
where her heart is
wild and free.

Where everyday she
could find her desires
in her own dreamy eyes.
May 2020 · 144
Post Lockdown
Sohini May 2020
I ran through
The tall buildings
Standing *****
Looking down
All amused.

I reached
The skyscraper,
To the edge.
Everything twinkling
Everything bright.
The Earth
The Sky

The warm air
Touched my red face
The smile
Touched my lips.
There's stars
In the sky
In my eyes.
Everything twinkling
Everything bright.

The heart
Pumped blood.
The beats
Danced like daisies
The eyes
Watched freedom
All soothing
Twinkling and bright.
The lips
Can't hold the smile
The red cheeks
Kissed by warm
Tear drops.

Everything Normal
Everything Achievable.
A feeling
Long lost and felt
A freedom
Long awaited.
The time when everything and everyone is locked, this is how it would feel to be locked out of the situation again.
May 2020 · 168
Sohini May 2020
Looking up
With a heavy head
Thoughts wandering
Nowhere to settle.
The sun sets
The  crowded beaches
The snow covered mountains
Everything inspirational
Yet nothing to inspire.

The exhaustion
The frustration
Has dimmed the lights.
The eye seeks darkness
Even in the brightest of nights.

The dry eyes
The fake smiles
The wandering heads
Are yet to find themselves
In the lost crowd.
The rollercoaster
Inside the heart
Is yet to feel
All the emotions.

The heavy head
The wandering thoughts
The inspiration
The lights and the darkness
All's out there yet
Nowhere to go
Nowhere to be found.
I wrote this poem when I was overthinking and realised how everything is just out there but still nothing is in control.
Mar 2020 · 154
Beautiful world
Sohini Mar 2020
When i first met you
I remember loving you
But then i met
This beautiful world
With not so beautiful people.
And my heart
Skipped a thousand beat
To listen their theories
And believe ugly stories.

Now when i see you
I believe you are repulsive
How did i ever love you?
All these thoughts
Run like a storm
Inside my mind.
My heart starts to bleed
Negativity and hate.
But remember i told you
This is a beautiful world
With not so beautiful people.

So here i am
Bleeding ugly,
Urging peace and
Craving love.
Because i wanna love you
From deep within my heart
And directly from my soul.
This is a beautiful world
With wanna be beautiful creatures.
The constant need of love and making an impact in others life has made us forget that we are ones who are making this world a difficult place and portraying people as ugly ones.

— The End —