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Where does it fly
To shatter from the inside
And look into the blank, only to see it all
The feather that sticks to hamartia
Breath of few that fall on a deaf ear of empathy
Soundless cries of wish for turnout
Drowned in anguish of proper evasion
A lasting moment of red to be brought down by Atlas
No longer brown as red become black
Flightless under the dying evening sky
Remember me who you are
And be ****** to who you be
Step off stage and show me the colour you really are
I love the ventriloquist, not the dummy before me
I am your tea cosy of a partner
The price you pay to keep from getting burned
White, black, brown or red
The liquid poured is turned inside my head
Just sit still and yammer
I know who makes you work
Pour a cup of tea, I want to talk
About the hand inside your mind
It makes you think and walk
Like the vessel we all wish you were on stage
Not behind the curtain
Where the real thoughts are kind
My garden is small
Think nothing at all
Vegetables here and there
No weeds to interfere with care
I water my vegetable plants, I keep them healthy
I give them sunlight, prove I'm wealthy
They grow as strong as can be
Surely they're grateful for my help, you see

My garden has flourished
But my status?
My plants are strong, they bear great food
I ask politely, not to be rude
"O plants of mine, may you spare a meal?"
Ripe vegetables before me, 'tis quite the steal
As I come close, they begin to rot
Inedible food scattered all over my lot
My plants must've spoiled, surely the case
I buy new seeds, the old ones a disgrace

My garden has grown
New seeds have been sown
Water, sunlight, I should have known
These plants grow just like the last
Rotten vegetables, I am left to fast
Others approach, they find a feast
An untouched garden, abundant at the least
Carrots, Spinach, and Peas galore
Except for The Gardener, for which they abhor

My garden has forgotten
I thought they remembered
The help I have given them, I would never dismember
The stalks that I brought into life, caressed with care
But to not feed The Gardener, completely unfair
Starvation upon me, bitter with grief
"I dare not water you, may you lose every leaf."

My garden has betrayed
I ask for a meal
In return for my help, they leave me misdeal
Without my help, they continue to grow
Healthy and proud with others to show
The Gardener is left with no food to survive
"Rot in my garden, you do naught but connive."
I lay in the grass, my garden grow strong
As I lay separate, I did not belong
My vegetables feed all but me
The life I live, no longer a guarantee

My garden has taught
Me of devotion
I gave my life for your growth with great emotion
To not repay the bargain, I cannot see
Why you would choose to grow without me
Without The Gardener, you are healthy as ever
The debt of my help, the payment due never
Live as you would, proud and bold
But I simply ask;
"Do not leave my story untold."
Do not dwell on good deeds
Move on as if it were natural
Others will prosper, thanks to you
Good is wrought through time
A balance fought for eons
Equalize the karma around you
And show others there is promise to be had
Misery is a company that was not invited
A company that is no friend of mine
A friend that would lie to me
A lie that would convince me of the pain
A sharp sting that reminded me of who I was
A person with no ambition to see

Her overdose was the last nudge I felt
A push to save someone other than herself
A someone that meant the world to her
A world that would stop time at will
A time that I would never see again
A sight that did nothing for me but stir

His screams were acoustics in this house
A home for the abused and lonely
A kind of person who could not take it anymore
A problem that would never fly away
A soaring journey of haunting memories
A thought that treated your brain like a *****

Happiness stands like the vigilante it always will be
A watchman to those with no hope
A dream far beyond their grasp
A reach that will never come in contact
A touch that could save them all
A savior that did nothing but rasp

The ears of the skirt
The eyes of the dirt
No mental dessert
Your last concert
They sit there hurt
And only ask why
Within a mortal's lifespan
There is a dream that they wish to see through
As for my dream
I dream that I can see yours come true
Through loved and lost
I know not when this dream is due
But I know that I wish to be there and achieve it with you
Clear as day
The nurse will not heal my wounds
The doctor will not diagnose my
It aches, it screams in the vacuum
I am sore from the taste of difference
See a mark you tore from the top layer
Look into the abyss, see the pulsing core
Watch it beg, no more
No more
Open from behind comes the point
Soft words built to puncture
Lay in bed as needle cross over
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