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I fear what is to come
The men who pave the paths of war
The machines built that crave for more
The walls of which won't stand for night
The people of home who dismiss their plight
Notions carried throughout our past
Forgotten, to be repeated at last
The power held within our grasp
Beyond our reach where we can cast
A moment of remorse for what we can build
Never stopping to think about who could get killed
My fear lies in what I've yet to see
Ambrosia is not the essence of why
Joy is found in the limit
You only cry when you look at the clock
And you wonder if this is it
The century before us
Is millennia to what it means
The life beyond is not up for discuss
We'll only see them as dreams
Write by me;
Skin of lead, paint a colorless void
Ink is in my blood
Contamination flows through my hands
Only I draw what holds me down
The paper with which I create
Draw my pain to life, and watch it erase what is
The binds an artist draws to life
Are denser than the lead in their palm

Show them what you've drawn
Heart of charcoal, voice of prison
A thousand pains in the picture
Hurt not meant to be known
Stay hidden in the fibers
On display, your museum
Resting place, my mausoleum
Read the stories for me
As I tell the canvas how I feel

The secrets to my inspiration
Behind my own bars
Where I was not meant to guard
A prisoner outside the cell
But a traveler of the voids
I seek color
I seek spirit with utensil
The burden is not my canvas
But what I can't explain with pencil
The art is in what I will never say
Echoes of myself, I am bone
To be bare of which I grow
Whittle away what makes me unique
Contrabass to singularity
The low roars of what I cried
And the silence of what has yet to be built
Painfully lost in the field
Pouring hearts to see purple
Profound loneliness when surrounded
Pinned to standards I can't live without

Torn between two lifestyles
Tear me down, see me as normal
Totalitarian emotions
There's no freedom at home

Save me from myself
Save my family from their trauma
Sleep lightly, the fear follows you into night
Stranger to the front, cry for the family

Defy death and come home
Deny thanks, stay humble
Death is what you bring, death is what I fear
Dedicate your life to protecting ours
I miss the days of young
Time flowed as we spent it
The sunset, our greatest fear
Waste days like sunlight never shifted
Sit adrift in the belt of rock
My asteroid
Roam the black for a ray of you,
Light in my life, what gives me incentive to see
A nightlight in the bedroom
Keep the monsters away
Brighter every night
No travel of space is too far
To drift right where we are
I find myself tidally locked
I will never turn away from us
Little lights in the sky
But that one that shines so brightly
I can see it, standing out from the others
Brightest star in the universe
Expanding further
No distance will discourage my travel
Journey the constellations for the bigger picture
The stars I see in the dark
Are afraid of the light you bring me
Every sunrise
Everyone stands
Everyone must see
You can't stand forever
No one can please
One who sits down with a purpose
But no purpose to stand back up
You're comfortable in your seat
It warms you
It comforts you
It's unique to you
Even more than

No one else is aware of the connection to this chair that you've built
They do not acknowledge it
They do not question why you sit while they stand
Hand in hand
Everything seems fine in the end
But then you realize
You do not wish to stand
Nor command a hand of your own

In this seat,
You see the world from a different perspective
Your friends from a different height
Your love from a different heart
What a sight.
Most would stand up with a purpose
That being to never see the world from that angle again
Some don't stand
And question the consequences within their brain
And remain
Some can't even leave the seat

And so, they sit
They watch the world move around them
They watch the good and the bad
Not being able to do anything to respond
But yet, they wait with hope that some will ask them to stand
That some will entice them with new purpose
Some even have the world lift them from their seat
Others remain in the seat where they theorize it's what's criticized down to the size
What a treat.
It's where they breathe
Such a feat
The world knows this
And let's them stay in the seat
Only to move the heat when they leave the world alone

And so they drone:
"Minus one."

Some people take seats away from the world
Back to where they know it's safe
It's where they feel comfort
The world can't disturb them in these seats
But when they can't sit anymore
They have no reason to stand
The world won't help them up
No matter what you planned
Soon enough by far
You don't want to leave this seat
You thrive off of your knowledge
Knowing you won't leave
You continue to create reasons to stand
But you can't be deceived
You can hear the world
You can see the world
Songs from birds that can not fly
But they don't know you're still sitting.

They think you're already standing
Gone to join them
There's no reason to go find you
You remain seated
Conflicting yourself and denying everything you know
At this point,
Can you still stand
Even for show?
Will someone ever help you grow?

Did you ever even want to stand?

You wait in your seat
But help never arrives
But the world has a question
A beckon
The world walks over to you with arms closed
A curious mindset and a simple reckon

The world wants to borrow your seat for someone that wanted to sit
But the world doesn't help you stand up
They just hope you'll take the hit
But you can't
You can't answer the world
And the world has no reason to answer you
So with nothing so true
You stand anew from blue answering the request of the world's shrew
It is here you take your one breath to contest the world's best request
Heart set
You've curled
And to the world you've blatantly hurled
A wisp
An answer
A silhouette
And yet

The seat is empty.

The host isn't here anymore.

The score;

Minus one.
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