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jalalium Oct 2015
Adam est fade tellement il est ordinaire
La gravite est monotone, elle date d'avant Terre
Adam aime tout le monde, haïr est inique
La gravite me permet d'attirer, or je n'ai rien d'unique
Adam, vous; humains; vous comptez en milliards
Gravite, de l'atome a Adam, rien n’échappe a ton radar
Adam se sent serein au sein de sa famille
La gravite arrange les atomes pesés en harmonie
Ève vit Adam et ne trouva rien a lui reprocher
Electricité domine toute gravite dans les distances rapprochées
Ève trouve l'homme, la stabilité, la nécessaire et suffisante distraction
L'electricite se moque des dimensions, seule compte l'attraction
Ève, douée du sentiment, cède et concède par peur du changement
L'electricite en mariant les atomes force leur rattachement
Ève et Adam devinrent un couple, une eve et un adam
L'electricite, égalisatrice, meurt sous les yeux de l'éternelle gravite
jalalium Dec 2014
I want to write
But how could I?
I lost all my impetus
I am constantly fretting
Everything is a feral challenge
I'm hobbling around
Because my ego is dwindling
It has become a moribund
I wish death does me apart from it
I can no longer gad
I can no longer act
I am dead pending my last breath
I'm infuriated to see what i've become
Knowing who I was
But what can a waste of oxygen do?
Coping is useless
When drowning in a pain galore
I'm dying to want something
To dream it
To work for it
And to get it
I cannot want
Disappointment will follow
I cannot dream
Nightmares are better suited to pain
I would work
But work is vain
I won't get a thing
This is making me insane
jalalium Nov 2013
Every phobia I feared was there
Verily terrifying abyss is the where
It will be my home after my last breath of air
Lonely i will not be; because, from it, nobody will i spare

Hate is my name but you know me as love
And you might think that i am your friend
The only one who always has a hand to lend
Even so, i cherish crushing your skull with my iron glove

I have lost
I'm ******
i will take you
with me
i will be your friend
the only one you need
i will convince you
i know i can
i will sell you joy
for seconds
and all what i ask for
is that you spend
with me
and my phobias
and yours
in pain
and sorrow
let me spoil it for you
i love your face
in fact,
i would love anything
just to take you with me
but i loved your face most
when i saw you realizing
that your fears
will be
with you

I lost and I shall make everyone lose.
jalalium Sep 2013
Jaques le fumeur aimait les rouler étroits
Et toujours en fumait deux a la fois
J'aime fumer disait il
Quelle excuse futile!
Le tabac et ce qu'il y ajoutait l'esclavagèrent
Depuis qu'il n'utilisait plus son briquet que pour les concerts
L'esclave jamais ne dort
Car même la nuit il en roulait encore
Dans sa chambre, à coté de la fenêtre
O marchand de sable, plongez moi dans le bien-être
repetait il quand il n'en pouvait plus
mais ce soir la quelque chose de nouveau l'avait déplu
la constatation d'un changement l'avait dégoûté
L'eau de la bouteille avait noircit et maintenant sentait
la bouteille qu'il prenait pour cendrier car il n'en avait pas un
Fixe sur la bouteille il était terrifie de ce que lui réservait son destin
Il tendit la main vers la bouteille pour alléger sa cigarette
Hélas il y fit tomber sa possession la plus précieuse
Il devait affronter son dégoût et chercher entre les cigarettes
sinon son existence ne serait plus jamais délicieuse
il coupa la bouteille en deux
il chercha, chercha et chercha encore
main dans le goudron
mains sur le nez
Maintenant Jacques pleure
Aucune trace de son espoir
hier, aujourd'hui et demain pour lui ont la même couleur
il mourut 60 ans avant ses dernières mémoires
car quand il ne pouvait plus espérer
il cessa de vivre
jalalium Feb 2013
John's morning are failed evasions
Life busted him again, shortened vacation
Nights are for him the perfect occasions
To hide from life for a certain duration

John plays hide and seek with people
So their happiness does not find his pain
Because negatives are not good multiples
His sufferance is permanent, any help is in vain

John likes to eat when he remembers
That a full stomach enjoys cigarettes better
He is one of lung cancer's  club members
The mailman recently handed him the letter

John brings cigarette butts in contact with his skin
And presses them to feel, a verb he is usually lacking
He has no fear but the fear of happiness
It is a ghost of very persuasive nastiness

John counts days, sees them running and wishes they flew
Death is imminent, death is around the corner, death is at his pursue
Death, for john is the clue
Does John need rescue?
jalalium Feb 2013
Every morning I sleep with a frown
Each night I wake up feeling down

My dreams commited suicide
And soon after were joined by my pride
Fortune, on my shores, reaches in low tide
And of life I only see the back side

I calm the pain with injections of hope
To delay the urge, to keep away from the rope
But soon I will no longer cope
Ending my days is the epilogue of this scope

Because life is enjoyed through senses
And mine, to feel joy, have to jump fences
But jumping is vain though my repetitive offences
True smiles on my face are high expenses

I try to forget, but I forgot how
And soon I will say ciao
I've already chosen my bough
Where I will say "pain, do not follow me now"
Because if death is the enemy, I'll be a pow

I no longer can gad
You may say I am cad
Yet of dying I am glad
And to this poem, I want to add
"Mother, I love you so don't be sad
Father, forgive me and don't be mad
Friends, you were the best thing I had"
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