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Q Nov 2015
It's unwarranted; I know everything is fine.
                                   stop checking and they'll stab you from behind
It's my personality; I'm inclined to mistrust.
                                           just when you feel safe it'll crumble to dust
Just because it's happened before...
                                          only fools don't listen when they're warned
I'm happy now, I'm just looking for a penance.
                                         with good comes bad; there must be balance

I'll talk to the therapist, he'll know what's wrong
                                      aren't you afraid he's just leading you along?
He's there to help when I'm feeling stranded at sea!
                               of course, and foremost, he's there for the money
I've never thought any of this, I'm not the kind
                                     yes you have, it's all at the back of your mind
I just want to know why I'm thinking these things again.
                             just like the last time, it's the beginning of the end

I'm talking to myself, I've lost my ******* mind.
                                               we already had this discussion last time
I'm actually sitting here poisoning my own brain.
                                            Or, maybe, you're saving your life. again.
I'm listening to paranoia like I haven't already dealt with it.
                           boxing it, me, up doesn't count as dealing with ****
........I'm scared.
                                                and that, exactly, is why we're still here

I'm safe here, I'm just fooling myself, right?
                    absolutely, but i'd check every door three times a night
If no one can get in, I'm totally safe.
                              well, there's the people already inside this place...
My mom would never lay a hand on me.
                   of course not; nor would your brother, so option three...
This is ridiculous. The stupidest thing I've thought yet.
                         that's what everyone says right up till the first threat

I'm not going to deal with this.
                                                          tha­t's fine; you'll be sorely missed
I'm grasping at straws and it's pitiful
                                                         ­  or perhaps, **** near insightful
I'm going to sleep, I'm stronger than this nonsense
                                   but you sleep so deeply, where's your defense?
I hate this. I hate this. Why am I thinking this ****?
                       *it's because you're right, you are, you ******* know it
this is what an anthropomorphism of my paranoia sounds like.
this is also my attempt to rationalize with myself.
never feeling safe is a problem that I find gets worse the better I feel. Hopefully I can treat it correctly this time around.
the format reminded me of one of my first poems so I made a tribute while I was at it.
Q Nov 2015
Warning, take care
Hazardous to the health,
Caution, be careful
Take care of yourself.

No one warned me abut you
I circled around you for months
No one told me to keep my distance,
Told me to run, run, run

But I see it now, oh, I understand
I should have known you were dangerous.
I realize now that I've dug this hole myself

And I ******* adore it.

"Caution," label for that voice
I can't remember what I said.
Overexposure, could've ran
But you always get into my head.

"Hazardous Materials," for the the words you say
I'm tripping into walls when I remember
Under my skin, in my head
You send me reeling, the world's a blur.

"Warning," for your smile
It keeps me up at night
When I've turned off every light
But you're still so ******* bright.

"Careful," for your laugh
My face aches from smiling so often
It's contagious, your happiness,
Warmer than the ******* sun.

Where's the warning label on you?
Because I'm worried for my health.
I thought I was safer than anyone
But good god, you make me melt.
  Nov 2015 Q
Karen Hamilton
I want to see rainbows and butterflies
Every time I close my eyes
And reserve the right to be mesmerised,
By the pure delight that awaits me every night;
Waking up in the morning
Ready to put the world to rights.
No more fights or frights.
I want to feel alive.

I want to be happy again.

I want to laugh uncontrollably,
So much that my belly hurts, my face aches
And my body bursts;
Into a thousand little funny bones,
Watch, as the fragile and delicate things,
Carefully piece themselves together and
Turn into big beautiful wings,
Making it easier to see where my sadness ends and happiness begins.

I want to be happy again.

I want to be the one that my friends can depend upon,
Not the one who upon a friend needs to depend,
Incase I break;
Break down into a million little pieces,
Glass rainbow dreams shattered and crumble
As I fall to my knees,
Desperate to breath.
Please; I need to believe.

I want to be happy again.

I want to be the surprise
That hits you right between the eyes
As I walk into a room, because you confuse
My smile with the sunrise,
Spreading its rays like the scent of perfume
And all of a sudden there's no more
Doom or gloom left to consume.
Eyes only on you, I'm reminded right now I have nothing to prove.

I want to be happy again.

I want my heart to beat so fast,
That it beats out my chest
And dances around like only it knows best.
The best way to compensate
For the heart ache that won't go away.
I want my heart to dance my troubles away,
As I watch it with a smile on my face,
Knowing eventually everything will turn out ok.

I want to be happy again.

I want to dance in the pouring rain,
No longer feeling the pain
That each little splash brings to my face;
Clouds the shape of tear ducts,
Pin ****** falling, piercing my skin
As the poisoning begins,
Tainting my thoughts with memories and eventualities.
Too many realities are taking toll on my sanity.

I want to be happy again...

I want you to build me a staircase
Out of rubber bands, hold out your hands,
And carefully lead the way to the forgotten lands;
Where you'll remind me no matter how often rainbows fall from the sky,
You will always be there - my sunrise,
Wiping away rain drops as they escape from the clouds in my eyes,
Helping me to replace each and every rainbow that falls from my sight.

I want to be happy again.

I need to be happy again.

I will be happy again.

© Karen L Hamilton, 2013
Q Nov 2015
You've got me crying tonight
I've never heard the things you say to me.
I've never had the opportunity to enjoy
Sweet words without pondering
Wondering if I'm being mocked.

I can't breathe through the lump in my throat
I can't think past the disbelief
That you're with me. Like me. See me
As something special.
It boggles my mind and guides me
Straight to tears.

I'm smiling and I'm crying
I'm happy.
I don't have the right words
For this feeling
But thank you for it.
You have,
You will,
And you do amaze me.

i was thinking over things
and then emotions hit me
because i forgot to focus on functioning
and wow
you're amazing
  Nov 2015 Q
Lauren McGovern
I broke a poets heart.
Now I’ll be immortal in their pain.
I’ll be the ink drops on their paper.
Their demons never slain.

I’ll be your seven wonders,
Your Atlantis and your Heaven.
I’ll be simple, I’ll be complicated,
I’ll be whatever label I’m given.

When you said you loved me,
You knew we weren’t meant to be.
You took my heart and claimed it,
But never did you see.

My heart is with another.
My mind, never on you.
It’s simple, black and white.
To my heart I must be true.
Q Nov 2015
It's that huff of breath you allow to be heard
That's not quite a laugh, just lightly amused
That's somehow and entire statement
With you never having said a word.

It's the full-bodied laugh that you so rarely vocalize
That's warmer than a summer day
That manages to put a smile on my face
That's so impossibly, beautifully bright.

It's that witty little remark you murmur lightly
That is nothing but concentrated sass
That drags out the loudest of laughs
(Until, of course, someone gets salty.)

It's the silence I could live inside
That's so comfortable and easy
That you sink into it, really
And just enjoy the ride.

It's that sweet word we don't say aloud
That's too affectionate, too real
That we so raw and so honestly  feel
That we articulate without a sound

It's the timbre of your voice
That sets a quiver beneath my skin
That's smoother, more enticing than sin;
Let these heathens rejoice.

It's your brain, your intelligence
That's akin to a shower of meteors
That's a display of awe, an exercise of power
That makes your intriguing quality make sense.

It's you, it's your essence
It's the way you fill me with awe
It's this way I've never felt before
It's what happens to me in your presence.

It's the tidbits you tell me that I hold close
It's the possessive jealousy you spark
It's how you're a masterpiece, a work of art
That makes me want to boast.

That you're the reason, the one, my muse
You're every single thing I could possibly adore
You're everything I could ever want and more
And I've never been more happy to say, "I like you."
*vomits feels*
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