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Q May 2014
I'd hand you the ******* world
But you're satisfied with the ground at your feet
I'd give you every atom on this earth
And the moon as a summer retreat.

Why the hell are you accepting the love
That's so far below what you deserve?
Why the hell are you throwing around trust
Like you can't fathom how much you're worth?

I'd hand you the ******* world
I'd love you beyond the simplicity of lust
I'd hand you the ******* world
Yet and still, is that not enough?

You're worth more than them, darling
You're far past the concept of price
You're engraved in the songs I sing
Take the world I give you, it's your right.
I can't ******* stand people who treat others like they're nothing. Especially when the mistreated person is obviously so much better of a person.
Q May 2014
I never once said I'd do it for fame
But what else do you call being a household name?
I never once implied I needed validation
But what other use do I have for recognization?

I've never once managed to specialize in a talent
Since when was focusing on a skill such a challenge?
I've never once suggested I needed any fanfare
But who would complain if the world can't help but stare?

I'd never once say I wanted to be idolized
But there's no harm in giving it a try.
This is my denial of my own motivations
I just want validification in the form of recognition.
Q May 2014
Just the way you are
For everything you are
With every wound this world gave you
With every badly-healed scar.

I may not know your name
I may not know your story
We may not be friends
But you have love from me.

Because this world may twist and turn you
Life may beat and burn you
The depression may crush and churn you
But I will live and learn you

Pain may wear you down
Anxiety may eat you up
Loneliness may strangle you
But from me, you have love.

Don't let the mirror tell you lies tonight
You're perfect as you are
Whenever you can't endure through life
Remember, to me, you're a star.

If you're reading this; I love you, hang in there.
Q May 2014
There is a pressure just behind my ribs
That crushes me, yet I cannot shake it
Unmovable. Untouchable. Incurable.
On my lungs and heart, the weight of it sits.

What does this pressure pull me to?
Why does it threaten me with death?
Unknown. Uncharted. Insatiable.
It will not move until I've taken my last breath.

This is what it is to yearn
What it is to grasp with the soul.
This is what it is to burn
To ignite as desperation takes hold.

I crave this thing I don't know
It pulls at me day and night
Like an addiction, I need it frequently
Lest the anxiety, the panic, should strike.

But it is not a thing, it is a person, in plural
So very far outside my league, urban versus rural
This is not even remotely healthy, but I can't turn
From day to night, from sun to moon, I yearn.
Q Apr 2014
The Tallenge scam is still alive and well
Be careful with your art loves
Before they **** it to hell
Don't give anyone your trust.
Seriously though, can we report these tallenge people so they leave off? It's very, very annoying.
Q Apr 2014
Hold on, I'll impress you
I'll change your veiw of life
Hold on, I will amaze you
Just wait, don't leave me behind.

I'm growing, I swear
Don't you want to see me change?
I'm so much better, hold on.
Just.. I  need time, please wait.
  Apr 2014 Q
"Homosexuality is a sin."
To love is to sin?
"God so loved the world that..."
Why can God love yet we cannot?
It's the same, is it not?
A man loves a man.
A woman loves a woman.
Isn't that the same love that binds a "holy" marriage, man with woman?
Isn't that the same love that binds the covenants, between God and Man?
If this God is just, does He not love all?
According to the Church, He loves those who don't even believe in His holy name.
Does God love the man who not only loves Him, but also loves another man?
Does He still love then?
No idea why I'm still thinking about this...
Hope all that enjoyed the first part enjoy the second.

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