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 Oct 2017 PrinceWright
My thoughts bring tears
Mistaked by being fears
I would tell you them
But all you would ever do was break them
You lost my trust by running to the one I was talking about
Not once not twice but always
The worst part was I knew you
She never wanted to know you
I followed your worst days
She only made you pay
Not only are you paying for her  
Your also loosing me all because
My thoughts bright tears
And you made them become her fears
 Oct 2017 PrinceWright
What do you see in me
Do you see a smiling girl?
A smart girl?
A girl who loves to sing?
A girl who always knows how to make you laugh?
Or who knows what your going to say?
A girl you can tell everything to?
A girl who sees the good in the world?
Who sees nature differently?
Who sees purity in the dark?
Someone who knows how to fly?
What if I told you...
I'm the girl who goes on crying for days...
I'm the girl who does school work 6 hours straight,afraid to fail....
I'm the girl who poors out her feelings in song because no one can hear my words...
Who only makes you laugh so she doesn't cry...
Who knows what you will say because she remembers every one of your words afraid they will be your last...
I'm the girl who listens to your problems so she doesn't have to live through hers...
Who sees the good so she can chase away the bad...
Who wishes she could be a bird that way she'd finally be free...
I'm the girl who is the dark so she picks out the purity because she wishes to be that light...
I'm the girl who only knows how to fly because I'm scared to fall...
Do you still see those things in me?
Am I still that never ending joyful person?
 Oct 2017 PrinceWright
Days etched like ink
The type of ink that never fades away
One day contains the best memories
Like when you looked at me and made me feel completely pink
Then the next,all the worse
When you leave and I'm surrounded by a deep blue curse
You never know which it's going to be
Every day is brand new, they say
But one day it's here the next it fades
I constantly have to say I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
If I don't the cycle gets erased
Every new day makes the others go away
Only the memories of the happiest and saddest times stay
But that's the price of having a brain
what if We didn't have a brain
Then I'm living the same day ever day
Then I would never meet you
Then I would never live
That's just the price of having a brain
You get the feelings weather you want to or not
That's just the price of being human
 Oct 2017 PrinceWright
The horror haunts in the dark of night
Some days I wish it would just stand to fight
I'm tired of playing this game
Feeling like I'm the one to blame
It hides in the shadows
Then night by night it gets closer
Yet every time it turns back
The  horror haunts in the dark of night
Some days I wish it would just stand to fight
I know it's coming
I just can't see it
It sees me, what does it want
It's like the saying two steps forward one step back
I've lost track
This dance it plays
The walls it breaks
The horror haunts in the dark of
Some days I wish it would just stand to fight
Till one day the truth shows
As I step closer and closer toe by toe
Pressing into the firm ground
As quiet as I can
I see the truth
Now I can't move
The horror haunts in the dark of
Some days I wish i would just stand to fight
To finally see that all along it was just me
 Oct 2017 PrinceWright
You feel like you understand
But to understand causes corruption
The world is spinning
Yet you can see that your understanding
Happens to be my downfall
You don't mean to
But you don't know the full story
Do you really understand
I bet if you did you would ask if I'm ok
The truth lies in my words
So do you really understand
Your world is falling
Mine is just starting to rise
Your loosing the feeling of understand
Your loosing me

— The End —