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They said she suffered from visions, so
They locked her up in her room,
I heard her pacing the floor in there
To softly cry in the gloom,
Her food they slid in under the door
And that’s when I heard her shout:
‘You can’t keep me forever in here,
You must let my nightmares out!’

But a doctor listened outside the door
And shook his head as he went,
A Priest then wafted some incense in
And muttered a sacrament,
But no-one dared to unlock the door
For they’d heard a howl within,
‘She must be conjuring demons there
Or some terrible type of sin.’

At night when everyone was asleep
I’d put my head to the floor,
And whisper low to my sister through
The gap, just under the door.
‘Go find the key,’ she would say to me,
‘And unlock the door in the night,
We’ll creep on out while the house is still,
Take off while the Moon is bright.’

I didn’t know where to find the key,
I didn’t know where it was,
It wasn’t hung up on the kitchen hook
Or the nail in the wooden cross.
She begged me, ‘Keep on looking for it,
It’s the only chance for me,
Then we will be together again
At last, and finally free!’

But then her visions returned again
And lights shone under the door,
While sounds, like animals caught in pain
Built up to a sullen roar.
I whispered, ‘Sis, can you hear me now,
I’m scared,’ and started to bawl,
She cried, ‘There’s lights and a million things
All creeping out of the wall.’

I went to beat on our parent’s door
But I heard my father snore,
I ran downstairs and I found the key
They’d hid in the bureau drawer.
I hesitated before I turned
The key in my sister’s lock,
The door swung open and lay ajar
As I stood, stock-still in shock.

For in the room was a wooded glade
With creepers clogging the walls,
Bats were hung from the old lampshade,
The bed was a waterfall,
But of my sister, never a sign
She must have been lost in the trees,
But monsters struggled out of the wall
As I fell in dread to my knees.

They say I suffer from visions, so
They’ve locked me up in my room,
I couldn’t cope with my sister’s loss
They said, but she’s in a tomb.
I know she’s not, for I hear her whisper
Under the door at night,
‘We’ll creep on out while the house is still,
Take off while the Moon is bright.’

Then sounds, like animals caught in pain
Build up to a sullen roar,
I call for her, again and again,
‘Just get the key to the door.’
But then she fades, and she slips away,
So far that I have to shout:
‘You can’t keep me forever in here,
You must let my nightmares out!’

David Lewis Paget
IncadesentCat May 2014
I write
because I cannot speak.
I cannot say these things in front of you,
I cannot peel apart my ribs and expose my heart.
To do so would **** me.
but on paper, I only bleed.
IncadesentCat May 2014
Our world is our perception
It is our pain
It is our happiness
It is our love

So why, when it feels so bad
do we dwell so long
on the foremost?
IncadesentCat May 2014
What's  hidden behind,
What we don't want to see.
What we create in our mind,
What we want there to be.

This green curtain,
So ornate,
Keeps secrets to well...
imagination must create.
IncadesentCat May 2014
Put your lines right here
and here
and here if you like,

I won't do it for you,
your mind is not mine,
you want to feel beauty?
you want to feel sad?
you want to speak the language of life?

Then write your own poem.
Writing is better than reading
IncadesentCat May 2014
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, you're a ******* *******.
Fool me thrice, I'm going to break your wrists.
IncadesentCat May 2014
✔  1 Get a silly crush (something to compare later feelings with.)
✔  2 Move on, it's a silly crush
✔  3 Live on the outskirts of social interaction for a couple years
✔  4 Find a girl who makes you smile for no reason
✔  5 Wait a while, holding on to that feeling.
✔  6 This is no silly crush (you can compare, remember?)
✔  7 Tell her about it
✔  8 Watch her fall in love with a player
✔  9 Suffocate
10 Move away to college, miss her
11 Find a shady man in appropriate alley
12 Purchase lethal substance
    13 Use it
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