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 Mar 2015 ghostsonpaper
 Mar 2015 ghostsonpaper
I wish i wouldve saved
Every tear i cried for you.
So i could drown you
In them.
 Mar 2015 ghostsonpaper
"If you love two people
At the same time,
Choose the second.

Because if you really loved
The first one,
You wouldnt have fallen for
The Second.
Me and you
We're alike.
The way we keep our hearts chained in our chests
So no one has a chance to break them.
Because there were the boys who crawled into our rib cages
And figured out the quickest way to squeeze all the red out of our love.

For you,
It was the boy with the fish-hook smile,
Who you let hold your hand
While he spoon-fed you lies.
And once he got bored with his own fabrications
He reeled himself up,
And left you with watery lungs
Now you chase after boys
while you wear that same smile
Hoping that
"maybe this time I'll learn my lesson,"
Because now you know how to change the hook on your line.

For me,
It was the boy who lost his heart
Long before he could give it.
And I realized that giving him mine
Wouldn't give him feeling in his empty chest.
It would just make mine emptier.
Now when boys leave after
I've taken too long to make up my mind
They say I'm heartless
And I agree.

After awhile,
Girls like us stopped hiding their hearts in our chests.
Instead we hid them in castles
Because we knew no one would look for them there.
You asked me to read something from my journal
 Mar 2015 ghostsonpaper
They always compare love to a burning fire
And say, " you ignited my heart into flames"
But you were the frozen furnace
The ancient stove that no one ever bothered to heat up
You were cold down to the core and I had electrical heat running through my veins
And everytime I touched you you gave me frostbite
I tried so hard but you were too numb
And sooner or later,
I ran out of match sticks to keep this pathetic excuse of a fire alive
Because I was the forest fire and your were the water that drowned me
 Mar 2015 ghostsonpaper
He’s your 2am and 2pm,
He can make you breathless;
without him trying..
He became your world.
You were trying your best to stop,
but you realized it’s too late.

I’ve been there, and it killed me.
It was the best thing that has happened
to me.
Just let it; let the love control you
and feel the pain, feel it.
Let it flow into your veins
until you bleed. Because after that
it will surely teach you how to be better.
And how to love right..
I'm sorry. I'm so incredibly sorry that I'm at a loss for words. I do know this. Bodies come and go. Physical living heart beats come and go. Voices and hands to type come and go. The beauty of life is that the soul transcends the physical. Bodies are vehicles for the soul. Sometimes people lose their driving license. Maybe that just means they need to carpool. Love is proven true when you feel the burn of its absence. Please remember that just because there is no voice to hear, or body to hold, or ears to listen; does not mean a person has left. Souls are silent, but they will not leave those who love them.
Anyone who needs to talk or share, can come to me. I can't promise instant response, but I will respond eventually.
In the beginning
all of the good souls were separated
and spread across the earth
to keep balance and peace among the troubled souls
the good souls had to give up their happiness

well if you ask me that was a stupid idea
the good souls deserve each other
despite our need for them here.
I like strawberries
I like the way my hair looks when I have no where to go
I like my bagels toasted with cream cheese
I like to watch movies, but only alone
I bake cookies when I'm sad
Music means more to me than almost anything else
Christmas is my favorite holiday
I drink tea when I want to be quiet
I don't have a favorite color, I can't decide
I love the outdoors
I hate insincerity
My room is pink, but covered in posters
I have shoeboxes full of old photographs
I love driving alone at night
These poems are hard and I'm no good at them. Oh well. Everything you never wanted to know about me :)
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