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 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
Lora Lee
And I am a Woman
who so knows herself
my inner power
alive and kicking
more as each
Blessed year
passes by
My light growing
my blood flowing
into the Universe
as it speaks through me
I have strength
that could electrify
a thousand stars
gathered over many years
of my life's battles
and wars
Mine is a quiet sort
Of fortitude
unstoppable with tears
I am my own warrioress
When it comes to my fears
I have my guides
and they know me well
goddesses and angels…
old friends
magic spells

But nevertheless
I have
A vulnerable side
Underneath the layers
Of protection and pride
an enchanted forest
of moss and green
a sacred space
that only few will see
Inside this inner sanctum
I am as soft as
fine silk
I let down my guard
as emotions flow
like milk

I am an unlikely
desert flower
Who just wants to
open up to you
to be opened
petal by petal
to receive the waters
of your tender care
most vulnerable
with her
stamen exposed
to be cherished
in the cool night air
I am delicate
as tiny spring buds
caught in the
harshest winter
yet who persists
despite the odds
to keep her
cold spots warm

There is a rumor
In the foreign lands.
Some say
(especially in the East)
I have the elixirs
to tame
the most savage
kind of beasts
as they come for a
sweet, well deserved rest
lay their huge, furry heads
upon my tender breast)

As for you, my Wild One
I think I hold the potion
to the key to your heart
to your beautiful soul….
Yes, poetry in motion
I want to bring it such light
Ignite your embers
To a spark
I could fill you up
So much
You just might not
feel your inner

But there is something
important to remember
The One who finds my key
Is the one
Who will be crowned
Of my tender soul
In all its hues
And asymmetry
Oh, Please, my love
Use it wisely
With the most loving
Of discretion
For under the armor
My heart beats raw
Laid bare
To love and passion

My pain will have no end
And I will have to go
Into battle once again

Inside my
sacred cave
I rest
Need to re-charge
For the next
Battle cry
Lift up
Your heart,
To me, my love
Release it
Let it
Sparrows are coming from nowhere
I thought they had all disappeared
They've been gone for such a long time
We haven't seen them for many years.
All of a sudden they all reappear
There sound is rather unique
Such a pleasant bird indeed
When they wake you up from sleep.
I wonder why they have returned
It seems like a mystery to me
One day we'll find the answer
Untill then just let it be.
Maybe things run in cycles
In a sky that's governed by wings
We may have gained much knowledge
But we don't know everything.
This world is full of confusion
We will never quite understand
It's the same with all the sea life
We are simply mortal man.
I remember when I was a child
Sparrows were not all that rare
Then they started dwindling
I was totally unaware
Then it was brought to my notice
Where have all the sparrows gone ?
I looked and could not find them
Then suddenly I found only one.
So the moral of this story
They left but no one knew where
Now sparrows all flock together
And we see them everywhere .
This year we have had seen no end of sparrows in our garden
We haven't seen them for years or at least not seems
The sparrows have returned.
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
One of my wishes
Was not
Withheld, that
I should steal away,
Finding open land
Upon my track
I held.
They would not find me- they knew
All I thought was true
To me.
Inspired by Frost's "Into My Own"
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
I'll know I'm in love
when the time spent with them
is better than the time spent alone.
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
My pen is dripping
from my heart and soul,
hoping to grow
a bit more beautiful
each day.
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
Chris Saitta
Death has pluck, you know, the like to sever love,
Then to show unannounced after the ruckus,
Even after so many no-shows at the theatre or club.
Death, indeed, is a tough sport, I am told,
Who plays cricket or some the sort,
Though no one really knows or asks,
“Wicket” does seem a word of choice.
But, for certain, a devil’s ouija hand
Of bridge whist, as sure as lives off
Pall Mall or Regent, as pipes a walk
In the London fog, here and there.
Yes, indeed, I would call him a chum
If he wasn’t such a cad.
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