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 Feb 2020 Pagan Paul
Little Bear
Dream in colour
I like to dream in colour
with sparkles on the side
I like to think in rainbows
even when I've cried

My thoughts forever sunshine
no matter that it rains
daisy chains and starlight
make me happy once again

Softly soft my words
are uttered as a song
sorry sorry sorry
whenever I do wrong

Buttons will fix everything
just sew them on with love
freckles glow with sunshine
that's what they are made of

The world to me's a daydream
with starry skies above
a universe of wonder
paints the heavens with it's love

It might not be the truth
but it feels that way to me
just imagine with your heart
dream in colour and you'll see.
brave face on ✔
ready to start a new day ✔
let the past go ✔
be happy ✔
coffee ✔
 Feb 2020 Pagan Paul
She's evasive at best,
I beg her nightly,
Come visit me, please,
My body is tired
And my mind is too,
I need her here,
I need the velvet pillow of release,
Release from consciousness,
Just one night uninterrupted,
I long for her,
I long for sweet slumber

(C) 30/01/20
When ones mind won't stop stirring.. Over thinking and pondering to the extreme
What is all this tensile for
Nobodys coming here
Why is eggnog in the fridge
Who is there to cheer.

Why the mistletoe hung high
There is no one to kiss
Why the Christmas Carols play
When no one feels the bliss

Why no gifts beneath the tree
Why go to all this work
Because this party is for me
And you sound like a ****.
Just a bit of silliness.  I did not celebrate alone.
The only child at the Easter Egg Hunt
Lacks a big enough basket
To collect the bounty all laid out
Across the rolling lawn

Those who were not allowed to run
Look sadly from outside the fence
Their empty baskets tossed aside
In hopelessness and envy.

Who painted all those pretty eggs
And who decides who gets to run
Why can’t those other little hands
Collect an egg or two

They can, you say.  Here’s two or three
For each of you, if you applaud
The Golden Child who smiles at all
In sympathy and pride

And tells you you will likely never
Be the one they choose to run
So be content with your two eggs
And never let your green eyes show.
A treatise on the haves and the have nots.
Reality is circling around, all sharp with spiky thorns,
For another go at my fragile little mind
That floats like an over-inflated balloon
At the end of a long and fraying cord

Fantasy comes like a hand-knit velvet shawl
To wrap my heart in peaceful comfort,
Protecting it from barbs and slashes
That would prove the dream unreal.

Uncertainty in the form of wind begins to howl
And drowns the etude in cacophony,
Whipping up the desiccated leaves of Autumn
And stirring thoughts of grave endeavors.

Resignation gradually lays down the scimitar
That once set out to rearrange the world
And now is full of nicks and scratches,
So much heavier to carry than before.

Acceptance like a gentle winter snowfall
Settles on the jagged shards of effort
And the broken bits of unbuilt mansions,
Making it all calm and smooth and peaceful.
Life is a long  journey and the path is never really smooth
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