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 Dec 2014 Bubz
Beth Richter
And sometimes, sometimes the lack of tears is what's most frightening.

An impenetrable numbness that surrounds me.
Has molded around my being.
A hard shell that even a chisel cannot chip.

I am a stone. Cold, so cold.

When did I lose my heart?
When did I lose the ability to care and trust and feel?

Oh, to feel again.
The salty wet tears on hot rosy cheeks.
The rush of crisp fresh air filling my lungs, lifting me, enticing my smooth bare feet to take courageous steps on soft beds of grassy fields.

Where did that girl go? Carefree and whimsical. The girl who welcomed emotional instability. The ups and downs and all arounds are gone.

She has gone and I am here.
I am what's left.
I am the surviving soul.

My black, wretched soul.
 Dec 2014 Bubz
Sean Critchfield

Settle yourself.

Try to understand.

We were meant to love.

And if we can not love, then we were meant to try to love.

And failing that we were made to breathe.

And try again.

-Sean Critchfield
This is the product of an exercise. I was instructed to grab the 7th book on my shelf, turn to page 7, and use the 7th line as my first line. The poem was restricted to seven lines.
 Dec 2014 Bubz
And so it goes
And so it goes
She snorts the ******* up her nose
She feels normal now
Or so she thinks
As long as she continues to drink
She can’t run out
No way, no how
Gotta make it last somehow
Eventually the supply runs dry
Is that a tear in her eye?
There’s no more money for her any more
How the hell is she going to score?
What kind of way is this to live?
She has nothing left to give
This life is too hard
Can’t do it alone
She picks up the knife
And cuts her throat
And so it goes….
 Dec 2014 Bubz
Moon Ariella
A boy

not a boy, but a soul;
an entity
a field of energy
positive energy
but hidden energy also

he was scared
or sad
or lonely

perhaps simultaneously all

you could see it in his eyes;
eyes as blue and wavering as the ******* sea, and his emotions

they betrayed him in a sense of portraying his deepest of feelings
even when he made feeble attempts to fight otherwise

one glimpse into them and you were graced
with a show reel preview
of his entire life

childhood memories
christmas with the entire family
brokenness and disputes
as unsettling as his beauty when he caught you off-guard

his features were as strong
and dark
as the chaos that stirred within him

a jawline sculpted like no other
hand-crafted for his individual attriibutes
thick, shapely brows and lashes the colour of coal;
a statement within themselves against the lightest of ivory skin

there's a saying "you look like you've seen a ghost"
in reference to someone looking ghoulishly pale
and whilst that is fitting of his porcelain complexion,

he wouldn't have seen the ghost: he was the ghost
that's just how he was
he was never the sub-heading
or the sypnosis

he was the entire story
he was it

something within him was magnetic
and in each person he came acoss
there was metal tucked away
within them that they were unaware of

drawing them to him
 Dec 2014 Bubz
Megan H
I used to be a bird.
I flew high up in the skies.
Raced the sunrise,
Floated through the starry nights.
Flew above the ocean
With my wings expanded.
I was a majestic creature.
It was a beautiful life,
Until the day
You broke my wings
And I forgot how to fly.

— The End —