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 Feb 2021 OmRh
Paras Bajaj
The emptiness in my eyes,
The truth behind my lies,
The fall before my rise,
And the goodbyes;

It scares me.

The dark beneath my skin,
The light within my sins,
The voice that loudly sings,
And my broken wings;

It scares me.

The wounds I can't heal,
The pain I can't feel,
The loss I can't deal,
And when I am real;

It scares me.

The silence in my little talks,
The stillness in my moonlit walks,
The thought of separate ways,
And my numbered days;

It scares me.

The demons under my bed,
The words spinning in my head,
The blood in my sweat,
And my cold breath;

It scares me.

-Paras Bajaj #PoetrybyParas
Instagram : @mr.parasbajaj
 Feb 2021 OmRh
Mary Anne Norton
 Feb 2021 OmRh
Mary Anne Norton
I am not a starving artist
I have been well nourished
By the sound and seasoned
Crumbs from
The words and music
Paintings and dancers
Athletes and doctors
Parents and teachers
Students and others
Now to savor and
 Feb 2021 OmRh
Lorraine day
 Feb 2021 OmRh
Lorraine day
My mind made a movie
Of the two of us last night
When everything was beautiful
And all the wrongs were right
The wind blew the storm clouds
The rain washed away the pain
The love we had returned
And the sun came back again
 Feb 2021 OmRh
Mary Anne Norton
Words are powerful
Strong and forceful
Gentle and free
Can uplift
Or tear down
Hinder or help
Shatter one's  being
Word for word
Build a kingdom
Out of love
 Jan 2021 OmRh
Daisy Ashcroft
is this
what it feels like
to be a fossil
in the making?
to have pebbles,
sand and grit
swept slowly
on top of me.
not to mention
the crushing
and deafening
of miles of water
pressing it all down
to bury me.

but sometimes
sometimes there's
relief and light
when someone
digs through the
weight to reveal
the shadow of the
creature that once
lay there.
but then that husk
is reduced to
cinders in a mountain
of others.
and i guess you could say
that 'power station'
is adulthood.
or life.
 Jan 2021 OmRh
Thomas W Case
My Love (Writing)
Writing is my love that
never betrays.
It doesn't lie or
It never complains that I
leave the toilet seat up or
that I left hairs in the sink.
It has never said, "You drink too much or
not enough." It always wins the bets,
sets the sun and skins the cat.
It's always raw and never
well done—medium rare at
worst, and never burnt.
It doesn't ask me to
do aerobics or yoga, and it
would never tell me to quit smoking;
I would stake my life on it.
Writing is my love that
will be with me until
the end.
 Nov 2020 OmRh
maybe true
 Nov 2020 OmRh
if yesterday
decides my tomorrow
i am nothing but a ghost
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