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 13h Onyx
I'm tired.
Tired of everything.
I just want to sleep,
And never wake up again
I'm not running away from life.
I'm just tired of the world and myself
And too tired to change anything but still I keep going but I’m getting tired
 13h Onyx
All these memories old and new from a time of innocence from a time of strife all come flooding back into my head as they pose as everyday events seeing them through my day as I’m living them again new problems caused by my actions create uncertainty but all that smoke in my head I still try to keep my head up
 13h Onyx
Why is it?
Sometimes I think I’d be safer.

In a prison.
In solitary.
No food.
No water.
A dead IPAD.
And no key.

Than home.
NOTES - Questions abound.
Avoidant of the decades
I lived in your accolades
And when I left you in the open
You left me go unspoken.

My pain is yours
To be written on all your doors
For everyone to know
Hatred is the new low.

And if I had something else to feel
I'd say it's not real
This is the new ordeal
Revenge with not much else to feel.

And in-between the praise
They don't know the man I raised.
To the main I raised.
 14h Onyx
Emery Feine
I wish I was silent.
Your words wouldn't be so violent
I'll stop seeing red, but a pastel violet
I just wish that I was quiet

I wish I wasn't so loud.
Maybe then you'd be proud
My words wouldn't draw a crowd
If I wished I didn't speak out loud

I wish I didn't always overshare
Spilling embarrassing secrets just so you'd care
So maybe one day I'll finally be aware
And I wish I didn't have to feel this despair

I just wish I wasn't ignored
But I didn't want myself to just be stored
And so that's when I poured and poured
I just wish I could get my reward.

I wish my mouth was sewn shut.
I could walk normally, instead of strut
Thanks for all your punches in the gut
I just wish I stopped talking, and so what?
this was my 29th poem, written on 9/21/23. not my fav.. "I see red" ahh
 14h Onyx
Yonah Jeong
my people,
I will live thinking about them
just like you

our love is not false
our love is Unattainable

our love begins
love was given

love is not fate
love is irrevocable
love is unrewindable

death is stronger than love
Love survives e after death.
 14h Onyx
 14h Onyx
sometimes i gaze up at the sapphire skies,
pearly clouds low like my hand could cup them,
and i gander at her onyx eyes,
obsidian, iridescent,
they might be dark but our love is the light of the world,
like the saffron sunshine gleaming down on our backs,
similar to the verdurous flowers, lilac and  carnation tints deep in the lush chartreuse like splotches of paint on a canvas,
almost like lurid snow sitting softly on frosted branches,
and then i wonder,
how can love this beautiful be a sin
Yo siento por el agua un cariño de hermana.
¡Cuánta suave dulzura para mí, de ella emana!
Yo entiendo lo que dicen las gotas cantarinas.
La lluvia, en mi ventana, tiene voces divinas.

El agua es una viva, múltiple criatura,
Que guarda para todos el pan de su ternura.
-Hermana: es como fragua mi boca, con la sed.
Y el agua ofrece el seno y susurra: -¡Bebed!

Hermana: de mi amante la mano honrada y buena,
Se hirió mientras segaba los oros. de la avena.
Y el agua con sublime, sencilla caridad,
Murmura: Entre mis ondas su herida refrescad.

¡Oh santa, milagrosa, sencilla criatura!
¡Fluye como una fuente para ti, mi ternura!
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