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 Feb 2020 Julianna
and as I stare into
your tired eyes, I wonder,
was I the rose you kept
or the dandelion you hid?
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Not a poem
 Feb 2020 Julianna
I realized that I haven't posted in a while. Recently, I got interested in writing letters and sending mail.  I found some really nice penpals on Instagram but I would really love to write some poems for someone and read theirs, as well! You know, something to look forward to. This is sort of an unusual place to look for a penpal but do send me a message or comment if ever you're interested!
I'm a nice kiddo
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Somehow it’s more painful
hearing from you
than not
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Would you stay
if I asked you to?

Would you stay
if I gave you a reason?

Would you stay
if I gave you all of me?

Would you stay
if I promise never to let you go?

Would you stay
if I told you that I love you?
 Feb 2020 Julianna
 Feb 2020 Julianna
I hear the rhythmic clapping
And feel the pounding of feet on the ground
As dust swirls and dances around
While I sit facing the sun
In all her divine beauty.
Encased in the wood of the red gum tree,
I am at peace.
Burnum carves my totem outside
Surrounded by holy men,
Loved ones and ancestors.
This is my signifier and protection.
I am Miki the moon
Recently returned to my tribe
Heeding the call of the spirits.
My people mourn deeply
But know I will come again
To be at one with them,
First I must commune with the great creator
Rainbow spirit of the sky
For now is the time for dreaming.
Thank you everyone for the likes/ loves and comments, you made my day special!! :0)
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Mrs Timetable
Scrolling too fast
Through all the awkward scribbles
I try to read them
For me at night it’s better
My eyes were closing
For the day
I make myself car sick
Without the car
Just awkward motion
Word scribble sickness
Does that exist?
It does now
Trying to read everyone’s work. Thank you to Soul Melody I borrowed some of her lyrics.
 Feb 2020 Julianna
Carlo C Gomez
Never hit a girl. Plain and simple.

It's rude to call her names.
So don't.

No looking up her dress
or down her shirt like some pervert.

Quit staring. She's not a piece of candy.

Definitely, no touching,
unless you ask first AND she says "yes."

Finally, NO means "100% stop! Get away from me! And don't try it again!!!"

Any questions?
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